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"You have to ignore them"
"Stop giving them a reaction"
"By leaving you're only giving them what they want"
I've heard it all before
I do try that
I have tried that
I did that for 8 years
Nothing changed
They are still the same
They're even worse
I cant block them out
Ignore them my ass
Ignoring them just makes them continue
It just builds up a bunch of a emotions inside of you
It just builds up
Until you explode
All of those years of bullying
All those years of just ignoring them
It all goes to shit
It works for a while
But then it just crumbles
It doesnt do anything but put you at your breaking point
These emotions
Screaming to be let out
For so many years
They just build up
Because all the time you're told shit like
"You cant let them win"
"Dont let them get to you"
"You're giving them what they want"
"Dont you get it?! You have to IGNORE them"
I fucking get it
And I shouldn't have to do that
I shouldn't have to be the "stronger one"
They should just not be dicks

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