Chapter 4.

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Before I start writing this, I just wanted to say thank you to everybody that has been reading & leaving comments! It means so much to me!

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Chapter 4.

I peaked my head around the bathroom door to see Niall fumbling through his drawers. He had already laid out a folding pair of sweatpants and a tank top of his. I quietly walked out of the bathroom and towards the clothes laying on the bed.

"Those are for you," Niall said, acknowledging my presence because he could even look up at me. "I, uh, don't have any girls underwear for you," he stumbled, "we'll have to go shopping today. I have to buy you a few things."

I sat on his bed, tugging the towel to cover my entire body. "Why won't you let me go?" I asked quietly, almost hoping he wouldn't hear it so he wouldn't get mad at me.

Niall sighed, putting the items he had in his hands back in the drawers. He walked over to me, just in his boxers, and sat next to me on his bed. I flinched as he laid his hand on the inside of my knee.

"You don't have to be afraid of me," he said, keeping his tone down, trying to be as comforting as possible.

I shook my head at him, beginning to raise my voice. "That didn't answer my question. You abducted me, okay? The least you should do is tell me why." His grip on me instantly tightened when I began to yell. He then took his hand from my knee, harshly grabbed my chin, and turned my head towards him, making me look him straight in his beautiful, blue eyes, that turned dark the second I made contact with them.

"Don't you dare yell at me, you cunt." He yelled back at me. My mouth fell open at his choice of words. Between his tight grip on my chin and how I took offense at his outburst, tears begun to fall from my eyes. I tugged my face from his hold, grabbed the clothes he laid out for me, stormed in the bathroom, and locked the door.

I sat on the toilet seat, sobbing to myself. I just wanted to go home. I didn't want to be with a strange man that I had become unwantedly intimate with. There was a knock at the door.

"Scarlett, come on. I didn't mean it," Niall spat, his voice altered by the door that was the only thing separating us. I played out everything I could say in my mind. Most of them ended up with him yelling at me again or screaming harsh words. I decided not to say anything. I got up from the toilet seat, still naked, and stood in the mirror. I sighed to myself as I pulled Niall's sweatpants up my bare legs, then searched for my bra from last night which I put in a pile in the corner of the room with the rest of my clothes. I pushed the straps up my arms and latched the hooks in the back. I pulled Niall's large tank top over my small torso, then looked back in the mirror. I looked terrible. My makeup was still faintly on my face from the night before and my hair was still wet, now forming small waves.

There was a softer knock at the door, and Niall's voice dramatically changed, he sounded like an innocent, hopeful child. "Scarlett, please come out. Let me make you breakfast."

I looked at the sink in front of me, then back at myself in the mirror. A gently bit down on my lip and walked towards the door. I slowly unlocked it and opened it, standing cautiously behind it. Niall looked at me, his eyes reflected the shame he was feeling. He carefully reached out and took my hand, pulling me away from my only shield, the door. To my surprise, he pulled me in for a hug. He held me tightly, gently kissing the top of my head. I wrapped my arms around his waist, still not wanting anything to do with Niall or the situation that he had put me in.

"I'm so sorry, Scarlett. I didn't mean to yell at you like that. I didn't mean to call you that word." His hold on me grew tightly as he breathed me in, then he let me go. My hands fell from his body as he turned from me and walked out of his room. I followed quickly behind him, not wanting to upset him again. I followed him into his unfamiliar kitchen. It was rather large. It had an island in the middle with chairs surrounding it. There were many cabinets, all painted a creamy white color. I took a seat in one of the chairs that were placed around the island. I watched Niall intently. He was searching through a cabinet filled with pans. He finally picked on out, and placed it on the stove. He turned towards me, then leaned his body on the counter opposite to me.

"What would you like for breakfast, love?" He asked me, slightly smiling, "I'll make anything for you." My eyes wandered the kitchen, trying to forget the fact that his eyes were burning into me, making me feel uncomfortable.

"I, uh," I stuttered, "you can make anything you'd like. I'll eat anything." I said quietly. My eyes met his again, then he nodded. He moved to his refrigerator, opened it, grabbed a carton of eggs and grated cheese.

"Well lucky for you, scrambled eggs is my specialty," Niall said, flashing a smile at me. I nodded my head, slightly smiling back at him.

"You know Scarlett," Niall said, facing away from me, beginning to crack eggs into a bowl he had taken out, "you have a beautiful American accent. You should use it more."

I gave him a short, sarcastic laugh. "Ha, whenever I do use it, you either yell at me or just ignore me. So I'll pass on that. However, if you took me home, I'd be willing to talk to you somewhere like over the phone. Far away from you." Niall let out a chuckle. Glad I could entertain him. He turned towards me, the bowl of cracked eggs in his hand, gently whisking it. He just watched me, beating the eggs, with a smile on his face. He set the bowl down and walked towards me, then sat in the seat next to me. He moved the seat so I was facing towards him. Every emotion on his face was instantly gone, and he was serious.

"Scarlett, I told you, you will not being going anywhere. This is now your home. I don't care if you don't talk to me, I will make you. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head. Niall grabbed my hand and gently squeezed it. "Say it." I bit my lip, considering staying silent, but then I thought about the consequences that would entail.

"I understand, Niall," I quietly said back to him, avoiding looking him in the eye. Niall sighed, shook his head, then got up and walked back over to the counter where he was cooking. He turned the stove on, then poured the eggs into the pan he had set out.

"You know, Scarlett," Niall started, "you could be very happy with me, here at my home. You just have to obey me." His words made me sick. He was making me out to be some kind of dog. His back was turned to me, but I could hear the sternness his face was reflecting from his tone. "When you are spoken to, you will speak. When you speak to me, you will address me as 'sir', and 'sir' only. You will not try to run away from me. And of course, you will do what I ask you to do." His dominance frightened me. "Do you understand?" He finished.

"Yes," I replied quietly. Niall banged the spatula he was holding against the counter and turned to me.

"Excuse me?" He yelled, his eyes turned to a harsh, dark blue.

I looked down, watching my fingers intently. "Yes sir," I said, keeping my voice at a low volume level.

Niall furiously walked over to me and harshly grabbed my chin, turning my face towards him. Our noses touched. "Look at me when I fucking talk to you," he yelled in my face. I quickly was learning how to play his game.

"Yes sir," I said, nodding my head. He let go of my chin and walked back to the stove. My hand slid over where his hand was just on my chin. I flinched as I applied a small amount of pressure to my fragile chin.

"If you disobey me, you will be punished. Do you understand?" Niall added.

"Yes sir," I wearily said back to him.

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