Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.

"I really need to go home.." I shyly said to the boy that was tightly gripping my side. This was the fourth attempt to get any sort of conversation going with him. I knew nothing about him, or what he even wanted with me. I never thought of myself as attractive. I had an athletic body, though I never took any interest in sports. My hair was plain, and facially, I knew I wasn't ugly, but there were much prettier girls that a stranger could abduct rather than me.

The blonde haired man, looking 20 or 21, had a scowl on his face, not bothering to look at me. He looked straight forward, his eyes fixed on absolutely nothing. He walked at a fast pace, his long legs covering much more distance in. Shorter time than my 5'5 body could go without awkwardly jogging.

I had no idea where we were going. Strangely, I wanted to hear his voice again. I wanted him to say anything to me. We had been walking in silence about ten minutes until I slowed my pace dramatically until I stopped, making him lose grip of me and look back, clearly irritated with my constant interruptions of his thoughts.

"I'm not moving until you tell me anything about yourself. Like your name." I nodded to myself to reassure I knew what I was saying.

"It's Niall," the beautiful blonde haired boy said to me. His eyebrows were scrunched together, and the rest of his face imitated his clearly annoyed tone. I nodded my head again and flinched as he wrapped his arm around my side, pulling me close to him, and continued walking. His hand tensed on my hip, tightening his grip on me, making me wince.

I kept my head down towards the ground and cautiously whispered, "Are you going to hurt me?" His hand tensed and added more pressure to my hip and I involuntarily let out a cry, but then he took his large hand off of me. He bit his plump, pink bottom lip and crossed his arms on his chest. He looked deeply offended at my comment. I know I didn't say anything wrong, but the sorrowful look in his eyes made my heart break.

Neither of us said anything the remainder of our walk. The only thing that was running through my mind was all the things he could possibly want me for. He could be a serial killer. He could be a rapist. The thought of both of those things made me shutter. I was a virgin. Sure, a lot of guys tried to sleep with me back in the States, but I wanted my first time to be special, with someone I love. I'd never loved anyone before. I wasn't sure if it was real. I had heard about it a lot, but only in movies. In real life, love doesn't conquer all. People fall out of love. People get married and get divorced. I'm just not the kind of girl at falls in love with a boy that sends me a good morning text.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted as Niall turned swiftly to the left and dragged me up a few steps. We stood at the door to what I assumed was his flat. He let out a deep sigh and grabbed his keys from his jean pocket in his pants. He placed the key in the lock, took another deep breath in and out, turned the key and opened the door to his flat. He ushered me inside and I got a chance to look around. It was plain, very little decorating had been done. The door opened to a hallway, on the left there was a big door that entered into the living room. Further down, there was a single doorway on the right, which I assumed was his bedroom. At the end of the hallway, there was an open doorway that led to the kitchen.

Niall walked me down the hallway, still silent. He stopped at the doorway on the right and opened it for me. I nodded my head signaling 'thank you' and he nodded back. I stood in the middle of the room, looking at Niall's bed but keeping Niall in the corner or my eye. He was rummaging through his things. Eventually, he came walking towards me with a pair of his boxers and a white button up shirt. He handed them to me. "You can change in the bathroom." He nudged his head over towards a slightly open door on the other side of his room.

I exhaled, showing disgust. "I'm not staying over night with you." Niall's eyes darkened at my cold words, then he tightly gripped my arm.

"Yes, Scarlett. You are staying over night." He brought his face close to mine, making sure that the point was across, and also claiming his dominance. I let out a heavy sigh, accepting my defeat, pulled myself away from him and walked towards the bathroom. I could feel his eyes burning into my back side, so I hurried into the bathroom, closed the door, and locked it behind me.

I stripped myself of my clothes and looked in the mirror. The uneasiness in my eyes was clear to see. I bit my lip and looked down at my body. I felt so ashamed of myself. I was letting myself get used for whatever this boy wanted. I shook my head and let out a deep sigh. I pulled his boxers up over my legs, then wrapped his button up shirt around me, shakily buttoning each button.

I opened the door to see him sitting on his bed, staring at the now open door. I walked out of the bathroom and stood a safe distance away from him. He looked me up and down, then bit his lower lip.

"Why did you bring me here? Why me?" I asked, my mind trying to come up with the right words to say. His eyes floated down the the ground, looking down at the space between him and me. I cautiously watched him as he got up from his seated position on the bed, pulled the covers on his bed back, and softly said, "Get in."

Tears flooded to my eyes. I didn't want to lose my virginity like this. I had no idea who this person was, and I had no idea what he intended on doing to me after. I bit my lip, trying to stop the tears from falling from my eyes, but one did. I quickly wiped it from my face and crawled onto the bed. Niall looked down at me and let out a deep sigh. He minutely shook his head and pulled the covers back over me, tucking me in. I looked up at him with a puzzled face. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, and I watched him shut off the light, walk out of the room, and close the door. Soon after the door closed, I heard the mechanism in the handle locking. I was locked in a strangers house.

I didn't understand. Who was this Niall person? He obviously isn't who he thought he was. So many thoughts ran through my head. What if he was going to use me as his slave? I knew no one would look for me if I went missing. I was as good as dead. I had yet to figure out what Niall wanted from me, but I had a feeling that whatever it was, it was not good.

I looked up at the black ceiling. I let out a quiet whimper, and I began to cry. I tried to silence myself, so Niall wouldn't come back. Short, loud breaths escaped my mouth as I slowly cried myself to sleep in a stranger's bed.

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