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We went back to get the papers done and honestly what we both wanted is to be with each other not being with someone that you really loved for such a long time really sucks

We went to my apartment and just talked about everything and I mean everything honestly his life seemed more interesting then mine

" hector tried killing me but failed that's when I became the mafia king, I currently don't have any enemies since they all fear me but until I knew it was safe I came back to you "

Y/n- all this time and you didn't go to someone else ?

" no one else made me happy the way you do "

We decided to go have food together at a bbq every place in town knew who ace was so they treated him like gold or they knew what could happen

We got our food served right away which confused other customers here since they had came before us, thankfully none of them complained

We finished and just talked just getting use to each other again, " we'll I wonder what will happen after we finish our collaboration " ace stated as I played with his rings

Y/n- yea I do too

I then received a phone call from my mom which was weird since she rarely called me, I picked up

Mom- y/n can you pick up your brother from school I'm planning a dinner for your fathers birthday today at a fancy place

That's when I totally forgot it was my fathers birthday my eyes grew big " oh yea for sure "

Mom- are you by any chance bringing someone hehe
Y/n- why do you want me too
Mom- you don't have too but you know since your father is a business men well I invited his best friend and perhaps they have a son your age
Y/n- okay we'll that's great but I'm not interested
Mom- so what my daughter is single again what happened to Mike
Y/n- we're not together anymore mom and if I do then you'll get a good surprise

I hung up frustrated as ace just watched me the whole time,

Ace- what happened?
Y/n- I have to pick my brother up from school
Ace- let's go get him then

I smiled and we went my brother being in high school and pulling up to his school in An expensive car I know he would be surprised

I called him as he saw and came of course his group of friends coming

Friend 1- dang I like your car
Ace- thanks
Friend 2- he got a nice car and girl chen is that your sister

I was uncomfortable with that statement I swear what have high schoolers turned into, chen knew who ace was but I never told him when we broke up or anything like that so he thought nothing of it

Chen got in and we headed to my parents house where we dropped him off and then ace took me home " it's my fathers birthday today and my mom is surprising him with a birthday dinner do you want to come ?"

I was hoping he did because I didn't not want to go alone especially after that kid my age,

Ace- maybe, I have other work to get done
Y/n- oh okay

We kissed goodbye and I went into the lobby and into the elevator as I reached my apartment

It was 5:30

So I showered really quick and chose a dress to wear

It was now 6:10 and the reservation was at 6:30 so I touched up my Makeup and headed out for some reason dressing fancy is one of my favorite things to do

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It was now 6:10 and the reservation was at 6:30 so I touched up my Makeup and headed out for some reason dressing fancy is one of my favorite things to do

As I exited the elevator ms min who is the receptionist in the apartment complex she complimented me

Min- are you going somewhere with that guy
Y/n- sadly no but it's my fathers birthday so we're celebrating it
Min- oh that's nice have a great dinner my love
Y/n- aw thank you bye

I got in my car when I freaking realized I didn't have a gift for my father, I drove quick to the branded stores and Waited in my car I wasn't sure what men were into these days so I called ace

Ace- hello
Y/n- I need your help.. what should I get my dad
Ace- well either a watch or perfume honestly guessing what he'll like
Y/n- okay thank you
Ace- k love you
Y/n- love you too

I ran into the watch store and I just looked at every none really catching my attention until I saw one in a case and asked the employee I'd like that one

He nodded and got it out the case as I paid and left going to the restaurant, it was now 6:55 I wasn't too panicked but a little since I was late

Hopefully he's thankful I even got him something when I arrived there were a lot of people here, I was taken to the table where everyone was already

They all turned their attention to me as I was a bit embarrassed I sat down next to my brother as the chair next to me was empty I kept it empty in case ace came but it sounded like he was busy

Father- hi y/n I assumed you would probably not show up
Y/n- we'll you assumed wrong I would never miss your birthday

I then handed him his gift as he smiled not long after my eyes came across another pairs at the boy who sat across from me 

I gave him a weak smile as he returned one too " so y/n you brought no one along " and of course my mother had to bring that up SHES so nosey

Y/n- and even if I did that shouldn't concern you
Mother- let's not bring the mood down and celebrate my husbands birthday

The waiters brought out food and wine as I reached to grab the red wine the guy did too our hands touching I immediately pulled my hand away letting him go first

He served himself and then ended up serving me I didn't really mind but it was uncomfortable as my parents and his were watching us

A bit later I was feeling lonely since all they talked about was business and the guy was on his phone, I got on mine and scrolled through socials

Then suddenly the guy spoke up making everyone go silent " so y/n are you single?" At this point my face expressions were mad ones

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