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Y/n pov
It was morning and I was extremely tired from not being able to sleep last night

as I laid in bed I refused to turn the lights off just in case something happened , closing my eyes to sleep but the feeling of someone staring at you

As I looked everywhere it was just me no one else I probably was paranoid but it just wouldn't shrug off,

Y/n- I'm probably just crazy but... if someone is actually here.. show yourself

Waiting a bit after speaking I felt stupid talking to myself


Either way getting up carefully to wash up and get my clothes I noticed a bracelet on my floor as I picked it up it had the name


Who's was this because I don't m ow anybody named aria I placed it on the counter and brushed my teeth never taking my eyes off it

Who's was this because I don't m ow anybody named aria I placed it on the counter and brushed my teeth never taking my eyes off it

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After changing into my outfit for today I got the papers I needed and my laptop and headed downstairs to my car

Driving to the company Without stopping by to get my coffee since I was late but I didn't care giving me time to not see ace

Arriving I greeted the security and other employees at the main lobby getting into the elevator and waiting to get to the floor

As I got out I expected to see ace right in my face but thankfully he wasn't I made my way to my desk to find Axel and Susie already here

Y/n- sorry for being late
Axel- no need to apologize in fact I don't even think josh knows
Susie- oh he does because of ace he wouldn't stop asking for you but of course josh won't tell you anything
Y/n- he can stop asking for me I don't want to ever see him again

Placing down my things I noticed both axels and Susie eyes turn to someone behind me

I turned around making eye contact with ace he grabbed me by my wrist pulling me away from them taking us to a private room

Ace- take back your words right now
Y/n- what if I don't? Are you going to threaten me or
Ace- you like playing games
Y/n- you think ima stay with  you after how you treated me that night
Ace- i couldn't control myself and-
Y/n- and that's my fault that you couldn't control yourself you know what I think this is where it ends maybe go work with a different company

I tried leaving the room but he blocked it " it's not that easy " he slowly walked closer to me as I backed up hitting the table

Ace- I made it clear you were mine and only mine even if you try to leave me I'll never let that happen
Y/n- go fuck yourself

He grabbed me by my neck bringing me closer as he whispered in my ear " have you fallen for him yet? "

Y/n- what?
Ace- the new guy
Y/n- I possibly did he the opposite of you

I felt as the grip tightened he looked into my eyes which his were filled with anger and jealousy " did you know he was a mafia too?" My whole world stopped after hearing that but it couldn't be true

Y/n- your just saying random things for me to hate him
Ace-ask him yourself I don't know how much longer he'll hide it from you
Y/n- and so what about it what if he is
Ace-my princess can't be with my enemy
Y/n- I'm nothing to you and consider me as your Enemy too

He then kissed me forcefully as I tried pushing him off but they didn't work until I slap him the hardest I could he backed up from me

I was coughing from being able to breath again I couldn't be there any longer so I ran out the room going to Susie and Axel

Axel- y/n! Are you okay ?
Susie- what happened
Y/n- don't let him near me

I sat on my chair as Axel came and crouched in front of me " y/n I'll protect you I promise " he took my hands into his as we made eye contact which was full of love

Axel- I need you to trust me
Y/n- I... trust you

He wiped a few tears on my cheek when from afar I saw ace walk out the room I looked away to avoid him seeing me

That's when ace came over here trying to talk to me but like Axel said he did protect me he stood in front of me the whole time as ace tried getting through

Axel- leave her alone she clearly doesn't want to be with you
Ace- you want to play innocent too keep hiding your identity maybe after she won't be with you
Axel- just leave
Ace- well good luck and princess I won't wait so decide now or like you said earlier I may threaten you in fact
Axel- such a dick move

Knowing ace he would capable of anything against me especially my family I couldn't risk any of them but risking myself which was better if there was a way for him to stop loving me

I just didn't know how but I was going to find a way

Y/n- I'll go with you

Axel looked back at me confused and even though he told me he would protect me I couldn't let ace do something nasty

But I for sure could make him jealous I stood right in front of Axel as he looked at me shocked I cupped his face as I kissed me passionately

And then went to ace just to know the thoughts running through his head would be fun

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