Twenty two

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1 year later

Y/n- mom I'm going back to Korea to visit I'll even bring back a present for you
Mom- okay stay safe
Dad- take care
Brother- I want a present too!
Y/n- you'll like him

As I boarded the plane and it took off I listened to relaxing music to make me sleep so I wouldn't be tired

Hours later when we arrive it's night outside and it's raining

Axel pov
As these days continued to pass I just couldn't forget her it did brake me so bad that I had to stay home most of the time

The necklace she gave me is everything I have of her I can't even call her and tell her how much I miss and love her

I decided to take s night walk in the rain since it calms me down there was barely any people outside which was nice I kept my eyes on the ground as I heard foot steps

As I looked up I couldn't believe my eyes I dropped my umbrella as she smiled and ran to me as we kissed each other

We didn't even stop and talk but continued to kiss each other I felt the spark which made my heart come back to life

This didn't make sense we backed up and she smiled " did you miss me?" As the rain kept pouring I didn't care I was just in shock to see her in front of me

Axel- so much
Y/n- we'll I guess I owe you

She winked and took my hand as we ran to my house which was across the street as we got inside and to my room she closed the door and locked it

My heart just kept pounding as I could admire her face and beauty, she pushed me on the bed as she removed her clothes leaving her naked

She then crawled on the bed removing my clothes she tied her hair up

1 hour later ( sorry no smut 🤭)

We laid on the bed as we cuddled so close I had my arms wrapped around her tiny waist as her back touched my chest

Axel- why'd you come back if you lived perfectly over there
Y/n- I still loved you and ever since that day I promised I'd come back to you plus I want you to come live with me over there
Axel- you mean it?
Y/n- of course you are the type of person I need in my life and your company can do way better over there
Axel- I love you
Y/n- I love you more

I kissed her neck as we slowly fell asleep

A week later
It was the day we went back to the u.s I sold slot of my things here so I can make my life over there better

When we boarded she was so happy she never let go of my hand, seeing her smile and be happy made me happy

We when landed there stood I was guessing her parents and brother I was nervous and shy

Y/n- this is your present

Y/n pointed at me as her family smiled at me and hugged me instantly " your the one she ne we stopped talking about "

Brother- I'll have somebody to play soccer with
Y/n- you see I told you you'll like him

We got to y/n's parents house as we ate and just talked it was summer here so it was super hot, later on I bought a house for me and y/n

Since it had a pool and soccer field her family and some family  I knew here could come

Y/n pov
It had been about a three months since Axel and I moved into our house so we decided to invite family for a pool party

The men talked and me and the girls talked as little kids were in the pool and Axel and my brother played soccer

I laid on the chair in the shade as I could barely do those things Axel came to me and kissed me in front of them as they found us cute

He then kissed my stomach " is he kicking?" I smiled and nodded

Later that day ate and chilled inside as it got dark I stood behind y/n back hugging her as through out the time I would feel the baby kicking

Y/n's mom- have you guys thought of the baby's name yet
Axel- not yet we're in the process of that
Y/n- yea
Logan- I still can't believe she's pregnant
Y/n- haha well here I am

Next few days
Y/n would work from and home and sometimes go to the company but she wanted to be safe and healthy

I also stayed with her even if she insisted I didn't she was right my business definitely got more sales here with the amount of money I got I didn't use it I saved it up for our baby

And applied y/n sometimes

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