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Axel pov
After y/n had excused herself from the table it got awkward and silent until our mother spoke up

Mother- what do her parents do for a living? In fact what does she do?
Axel- what they do should worry you I already know where this is going
Mother- my sons can't be seen with someone poor yes she's beautiful but I'm sure those jewelry were from ace
Axel- you guys have no heart this is why I left
Dad- Axel your mother is right maybe just let ace do his thing with that girl your our more mature son
Axel- which is why I won't let y/n be with ace he's a jerk and useless piece of crap
Ace- are you jealous Axel that she's living with me under the same roof

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as I got the message from y/n

Ace- y/n has been gone for a while
Axel- let her do her business

I waited a bit and got up making sure ace didn't follow I headed outside the restroom and waited until y/n came out

I handed her the credit card and she thanked me knowing it could be a year o even longer I won't see her broke my heart

I pulled her closer and kissed her passionately and I felt her kiss back I wished this moment could last longer but unfortunately we were running out of time

I cupped her face as she did tear up which made me want too but I held it in, wiping her tears away and looking right into her eyes

Axel- I come for you y/n I promise

I kissed her one last time and she left as I watched her figure leave the building and get into the escape car

The only thing I had of her was her favorite necklace and she had my ring, we had something to remember of each other

As I went back ace still looked calm " what the hell is she doing that's taking so fucking long " I took a seat and tried to not look obvious

Mom- maybe she feel pressured by us you see the expensiveness we have is too much for her to handle
Axel- or the toxic ness here was too much she left

Ace got up speeding to the bathroom as I sat back and drank my red wine just waiting for his reaction it didn't long as he came back

Ace- she's gone!...
Mom- oh good
Ace- shut the hell up that's not good

He then grabbed me by my collar Bringing me close to his face as some people watched " where did she go"

Axel- first of all

I took his hands and pulled them off my collar " what ever she did I have absolutely no clue of YOURE the smart and better one go find her yourself don't bring me into your shit " I put the glass cup down and left leaving him angry

I smilies to myself absolutely knowing everything and soon he'll be in tears after what he did to me which isn't forgivable

And once I tell y/n what he did when he was gone and how loyal he said he actually was let's see how he'll react

I drove home as when I arrived it seemed no one was home, I live with my sister well half sister my mother who fucked a lot of guys turned out to be pregnant

My sister was the daughter of the richest ceo but no one knew that besides me and mother, my sister was kind and she reminded me a-lot of y/n they had similar personality and style

I went up to my room which was being remodeled for when y/n came ever since I met y/n me and her have the same life style that's when we clicked and I knew she was the one

She was just a gentle sweet angel who was out into a life style that she never thought of, I wanted to prove to her I was different then ace and even if he bribed her i was Better

I removed my blazer and shirt as I looked at myself in the mirror to admire my body from going to the gym a lot all the veins popping out

I planned on getting a few more tattoos especially on my neck since that where y/n said she found tattoos attractive

It was very late so I went to bed

Ace pov
I knew she would of done this I hated myself for letting her go on her own, I sent out multiple guards to keep on a look out

As days passed by still nothing of her until when I was shopping a a jewelry shop for my backup girl I spotted a girl but I could only see her back

The hair and body shape was just like y/ns as I went up tot eh girl and turned her around it definitely wasn't y/n I apologized

I was getting frustrated I couldn't wait any longer checking every place even the cameras she was last seen at the airport but she never boarded a plane

As the she went into a car and it took her to Luna hotel

On my way I go

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