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Y/n pov
I had now found a job and bought a brand new phone immediately calling Axel we talked for a while until I had to continue my shift

That's when I got alerted someone went to ask for my name I knew exactly it was, not only did this fuck me up because my checks were there and it had the name of where I was working

I let Axel know and he immediately came that's when I saw a lot of black cars pull up my heart dropped as our customers looked amazed and took pictures

I lowered my hat and waited patiently as I saw his figure walk in

Y/n- what would you like ?
Ace- you
Ace- I don't want to make a big scene I'll wait in the car

He then left~

I was waiting for Axel only to know he's in the back, I take my apron off and hat as I secretly leave through the back and into his car

He then drive through a secret pathway where we wouldn't get seen, I didn't know what to say I just felt scared

Axel- did he do anything to you
Y/n- no he didn't want to make a scene
Axel- y/n come live with me I'll protect you and make sure you're safe
Y/n- I don't want to put you in danger ace is crazy
Axel- I may not seem like a tough guy but when it comes to ace I could kill him instantly
Y/n- so you're like him too?
Axel- no. I'm not a serious mafia which is why I stay Lowkey but don't underestimate me and there's things you should know
Axel pov

I waited until we reached my home to tell her we got in and I locked the doors making her feel safe

She sat on the couch as I offered drinks but she declined I sat in front of her as she avoided eye contact with me

Axel- ace lied to you ever since the beginning.. he told you he never did anything with other girls well dont believe him
Y/n- what.. are you telling about?
Axel- since the day he told you he left for that gang he fucked around a lot he had this girl named aria

That's when everything seemed fake but was real that bracelet I found with the name aria but why was it in my bathroom

Axel- he got her pregnant but he made her abort it since he still " loved " you and when you tried ignoring him he's crazy enough to get into your apartment and watch you

Y/n- so why does he want me so much
Axel- he's trying to get you pregnant so that you can't leave him
Y/n- Axel I can't do this anymore ...

I started tearing up I just wanted to live a happy life with someone I truly loved but not even that I could do he came by my side and hugged me

Axel- whatever you want to do I'll support you
Y/n- I- I want to confront him
Axel- you sure.? He might not let you leave
Y/n- even then I'll get old and die even if I didn't live the life I wanted too

I drove her to ace and as soon as he saw her he came hugging her she didn't return it instead waited until he backed up and she got a good slap

He held his cheek as he looked at her confused I leaned against my car as I watched everything happen


She then slapped him again and hit him as he stopped her " whag are you talking about?"

She pulled out the bracelet and his eyes grew big and he stayed quiet she threw the bracelet at him as he fell to his knees

Y/n- did you even love me? Or was this all fake to you
Ace- let me explain y/n
Y/n- explain what? That you got her pregnant!
Ace- y/n I don't want too fight let's just forget about the past

She couldn't control her crying as she fell to her knees too broken that's when I see ace take out a gun and point it at himself

Ace- kill me y/n I wanted to be loyal and even lied saying I was but seeing you hurt makes me mad so please do it ...DO IT

That's when y/n stands up in front of him but does nothing he moves his hand to give her the gun but it goes off

I watched as her body fell to the ground, I ran as fast as I could holding her body " YOUR AN IDIOT LEAVE " I carried her and ran back to my car as I put her in ten back seat and drove to the hospital

Luckily it wasn't that far away I called her name multiple times but she didn't respond so much blood she was loosing worried me

I brought her inside as they treated her immediately I waited in the waiting room as I filled some paper work out

Ace had came too but he sat away from me,
10 minutes turned into five hours each second made me super worried and angrier as I wanted that jerk to pay for this

That's when a doctor came out and up to me he didn't seem to happy

Doctor- ms Lee didn't make it due too much loss of blood and where the bullet hit her we couldn't save her
Axel- no.... NO !!!

I looked at ace which he was silently crying as I ran up to him punching him and beating him as multiple doctors held me back

Axel- he did that to her HE SHOT HER

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