Half truth

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sai pov
i don't know why virat sir was supposed with my age
it looked like he was serious
i was about to say but we were disturbed with kakus yelling for coffee
i immediately got up and started getting ready for the day
totally ignoring my husbands questions
virat: sai please tell me what you meant
sai: virat sir
let me wear my saree
can't you see kaku is screaming
virat: fine
let's talk about this soon
sai: fine
virat pov
sometime was not right
i have a feeling that something is wrong
i was also hurrying to join sai soon
sai pov
it was really hectic in the kitchen
but luckily my mother-in-law helped me a lot
ashwini pov
i could see the dreaded scene
sai was walking with difficulty
looks like virat had consummated with her
i know i should do something
i didn't want sai to sacrifice her career or studies just to take care of this family
like i did
so i thought to take the matter in my own hands
ashwini: sai here take this medicine
this will relieve your pain
sai: it's not that paining maa
ashwini: don't argue. now sai
i know what you are going through
here take this
sai pov
i loved the way my mother-in-law was showing care for me
so without arguing with her anymore
i took the pill
i was about to ask her which pain killer was it
but i got disturbed by a call from kaku again
she never lets me live in peace
kaku: sai what are you doing
serve your husband first
poor guy works for the family day and night
sai: i also work the same .
kaku: what did you say
sai: nothing kaku
here is your coffee
kaku: finally
i have been asking it since morning
ashwini: vahini leave it
she is still a child
kaku : stop it ashwini
stop calling her a child
she is ready to have kids of her own
useless person
virat: kaku please
kaku: so you are also taking her side
sai pov
a husband will take a wife's side
what does she think
i wanted to confront her
but i stopped as my brother came at the exact minute
pulkit : who should control whom maa?
sai : bhai
sai pov
i hugged my brother
only to revive annoying looks from kaku
kaku: sai behave
you can't hug your brother like this
you are married
virat where did you get her
sai : kaku he is my brother
i'm married
it doesn't mean that i don't have a relationship with my brother anymore
kaku: you will back answer me now
virat: sai please there is no need to reply
virat pov
this sai kaku
why are they fighting like this
virat: pulkit what are you doing here
pulkit: i have come to give sweets
as i heard you are back in town
also devyani and i decided now to get married
kaku: it's high time you both get married
after all it's was plan
to get your sister married in this house right
you all are gold diggers
ashwini: vahini
stop it
what are you saying
he is going to be the son in law of this house
kaku: yes and in return he gave his good for nothing sister here
virat: kaku please
sai is not good for nothing
she is a doctor
she will get her certificate in 2 months
sai: 2 months
virat sir what are you saying
mbbs is 5 years
virat: im not a fool sai
i know you are in your final year
sai: final?
pulkit: yes your final exams of the year are over right
let's leave this topic
and talk about my marriage
where is devyani
virat: wait pulkit
sai why are you confused
you are in your final year right
sai: no virat sir
final year is ...
ashwini: virat what are you talking
stop it
we are talking about marriage here
sai go and get devyani
sai: but .,
sai pov
i was about to go
but i stopped when virat sir
shouted at once
virat: just stop everyone
sai tell me what year are you studying
sai: 1 st
virat: what?
ashwini: she must have failed
that's why she stayed in first year only
pulkit: yes she is a failure student
virat leave the issue
sai : bhai what are you saying
i'm a scholarship student
pulkit : sai shut up
virat; stop covering pulkit
do you think i'm a fool
pulkit: virat listen to me
sai knows nothing about it
ashwini: yes
virat: just shut up
sai tell me
what's your age
sai: why are you asking me that
you know it right
virat: answer the Question!!!!
pulkit : virat
virat: i want only sai to speak
sai: 18 but i will be 19 soon
why are you asking me this
i thought you..
virat : you ..
sai pov
virat sir tried to raise his hand on me
but he stopped himself at the last minute
and quickly was trying to leave
sai: virat sir
where are you going
virat sir please stop
virat: don't show me your face again
sai: virat sir ..
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