only for the child?

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sai pov
we went downstairs only to see kaku slapping devyani
virat: what's happening kaku
what are you doing
kaku: what i'm i doing?
look at this devayani
she planned to elope with your wife's brother
without anyone knowing
devyani: don't act like you don't know mom
we wanted to get married
kaku: couldn't you ask me first
couldn't you wait
devyani: i waited enough
even virat is married
plus pulkit needs to go us and i also want to go with him
what's wrong with that
kaku: what's wrong?
yes why are you wrong
wrong is that pulkit
first trapped you
and then trapped that virat with his sister
sai: i didn't trap anyone  kaku
please don't speak like that
kaku: what did you say
you didn't trap?
look at him
a nobody like you got married to virat chavan ips so easily
pakhi: they say right kaku
criminals never confess
virat : my wife is not a criminal
and please pakhi this is my family matter
stay out of it
kaku: why should she stay out of it
because of pakhi today
we got to know devyani was trying to run off with your brother
sai: had to know it
it can only be her
you don't like mine and my brothers happiness right
virat: sai ...
kaku: what sai
you are still supporting her?
virat: im not supporting anyone kaku
i'm saying i have a solution for this issue
devyani is not backing down
she already planned to elope
so i think it's high time to get them married
kaku: what?
i won't accept it
devyani : then i will run away with pulkit
and you won't be able to do anything
kaku: devyani ..
virat : kaku , di stop it now
kaku listen to me
devyani and pulkit will get married next week
kaku: next week?
it's not that easy virat
who will take care of the wedding
there are 1000's of works
pakhi: im there right aunty
i will take care
any how we are bonded now
i'm a member of this family
sai pov
i was about to throw my sandal on pakhi
but i controlled and talked out
sai : by what right pakhi
how are you the member of this family
what connection do you have
kaku:sai stop it
can't you see she is trying to help
sai : and  we don't need it
virat: sai wait
sai: no virat sir
i will not
she is a guest
let her stay as a guest
im your wife the daughter in law of this house
and pulkits sister
so i will manage this wedding
kaku: you will manage the wedding?
the girl who couldn't bear a child until now
virat: kaku not this topic right now
kaku: why not now
did this sai do some new drama virat
so that she can stall her pregnancy 
sai: stop blaming everything on me kaku
and please don't talk about my personal life
i'm here only to discuss my brothers marriage that's it
kaku: virat will you let your wife speak to me like this
she is taking decisions
virat: sai what are you doing
sai: no virat sir my right is mine
virat pov
this stupid sai  has exams next week
can't she see that
i wanted to say we will hire an event management company
and maa will supervise
why should sai complicate her life?
but since it's her decision
i didn't say anything
virat: fine sai
do what you want
pakhi pov
seeing virat getting irritated and walking away have me a hope
virat doesn't really like sai
may be they never consummated
i should grab a chance
sai pov
I was satisfied that i got my right
but when i saw the confirmed date of the wedding
and functions they are all happening on my exam days
which made me more stressed
i shouldn't have taken the responsibility
but i can't back out now
pakhi didi just needs a chance
to claim my right
i thought to take help from my husband
but i didn't know how to ask him
as my stupid ego comes in between
so i began to talk to him
sai: virat sir
about the wedding
virat : you have everything ready right
sai: about that
i wanted to say
if you can..
virat: i can what?
sai pov
i don't know how to ask him
how to tell him
that i need his help
but seeing his angry mood
i didn't know how to talk
sai: i mean
what are you doing this week
virat: work?
did you forget i'm an ips officer
sai:i mean yes
you are an ips officer
but you should have some time right
free time
virat pov
i know what she meant
she wanted me to help
but i will not give in that easily
she should know that everything is not about right
she should also enjoy her life
not make it more complicated
so i began to play with her
sai; tell me you have free time right
virat: free time
are you ovulating again
do you want me to sleep with you
sai: what
i didn't say that
virat: so you don't want to sleep with me
on your ovulation day
sai: no it's not that
i wanted something else
but one second how can you think
i was ovulating
virat: i guessed
sai: then you guessed wrong
virat: why do you have any problem
should we go to the doctor again
for check up
sai; didn't the doctor say i was fit?
plus why do you always talk about the child
shouldn't we have a strong relationship first
virat: you don't think it's strong enough
sai: no
because you are not hearing what i want
sai pov
i wanted him to say that he wanted to help me
in marriage preparations
instead the next thing he did was throwing me on the bed and kissing me hungrily
i really didn't want this right now
i tried to stop him
only to be caught in his dominance
i was shut up by his harsh kisses
and before i could stop it
he claimed me again
filling me with his seed again
as he was enjoying this process
something made me scared
does virat sir only want me for a child?
in between his kisses
i took a moment to finally ask him
sai: virat sir stop
virat: what
sai: i want to ..
sai pov
before i could ask the question
the urge to throw up grew
and i immediately got up and rushed to washroom
virat: sai what happened
kaku: what do you mean pakhi
pakhi : the truth kaku
may be sai is not letting virat come near her
kaku: why would she do that
pakhi: i don't know kaku
may be sai doesnt want a child or may be even virat is not ok with sai
kaku: what do you mean
virat is not ok with sai
they are husband and wife
pakhi: husband and wife only for name sake aunty
i can clearly see that they do not love each other
nor they share the same bed
kaku : what?
author pov
sorry for the late update dear readers
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