return of ex

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virat pov
i was angry when sai said pakhi didi
virat: pakhi didi
sai: she is calling you
virat: stop calling my ex didi
she is not your sister
sai: why is she calling you
virat: because she is psycho
i blocked her all numbers
looks like i didn't block this old one
did it now
sai: why is she not leaving you
virat: i don't know
what game she is planning
but i also asked her father to stop pakhi
if nothing works out i will take legal actions
don't worry
sai: im not worried it's just
you won't go to her right
virat: after doing all this with you
why will i go to her?
listen sai
pakhi is done
i don't want anything to do with her or her connections
it's going to be you and our kids in my life
so forget all this and come to bed
sai pov
i didn't know if i had to feel happy
that my husband likes me
or feel disturbed as he doesn't want anything to do with pakhi didis connections
i should tell him some how that i'm related to pakhi didi
just to clean my self
as i was still thinking about this
my husband was continuing his work on my body
so that we can conceive
while moaning in pleasure and pain
i tried to talk to him
only to be shut up by a kiss
kaku ; never
i say never we have come across this kind of scene
honeymoon without informing me
ashwini: it was a sudden decision
plus they have gone to give you good news vahini
kaku: i highly doubt if there was a good news
i'm telling you this girl is making virat dance under her tunes
ashwini: what tunes
do you know how virat treats her
kaku: i see who is treating whom
let me see the results of this vacation
i'm saying if this girl can't conceive
i'm not going to let her be virats wife
ashwini: being a wife doesn't mean only to conceive vahini
and you never understand that
kaku: what did you say?
i'm wrong
ashwini: nothing
what will i say
when you deemed yourself as right
ashwini pov
there was no use to talk with this kaku
she is too wicked
i hope my children don't fall prey to her antics
sai pov
i was getting bored
i was waiting for my husband to join me for shopping
but he said he is going to run late
i went to my husbands friends shop
and began shopping alone
looking at the cute dolls made my heart
will i have a girl first ?
what should i make her
as i was thinking about it
i heard my name
pakhi pov
i was searching for virat
however he was not lifting my calls
and blocked all the numbers
i didn't want him to spend any time with his wife
i wanted him
so i began searching for him
and today i was just  roaming around this stupid mall
after having a drink
thinking about my next plan
with frustration reaching at a point
i was going insane
and that's when i saw sai
pakhi: sai?
sai: pakhi didi
what are you doing here
pakhi: looks like you have started your business here
what's with this chain and sindoor
are you providing homely look for your clients
sai: mind your words pakhi didi
this is a public place
and i won't tolerate your behavior here
pakhi: when did you tolerate me anyway
always back answers
i don't care about you
you die or live
what is it to do with me
just give me some money
sai: money ?
pakhi: yes
you are shopping all this with my papa money right
give it to me
sai: what are you saying pakhi didi
pakhi: now don't act innocent and say
this is your hard work
everyone knows you
sai: pakhi didi
stop creating a scene and leave
pakhi: no i won't
stop wasting my fathers money and give it to me
you always take away my right
sai pov
she was trying to snatch my purse
and seeing the commotion
my husbands friend vijay had come
vijay: what's happening here
bhabhi are you ok
pakhi: bhabhi?
not bad sai
you do have a following
sai bhabhi
is this your business now
sai pov
her alcohol breath and her stupid attitude was making me angry than ever
i was about to shout at her when
but luckily vijay bhai understood the situation and asked her to leave
pakhi: you are asking me to leave
do you know who i'm i ?
i'm senior inspectors daughter
i will put you and your bhabhi in jail
vijay: and do you know who she is ?
she is acp's wife
she can do the same to you
so just shut your mouth and go from my shop now
or i will call security
pakhi : do whatever you want
i'm not going
vijay : im calling security
pakhi pov
foolish guy was calling security
when he doesn't know he got scammed by sai
claiming to be acp wife
that statement  really shook me off
and the hangover i had vanished for a second
i began to laugh off
pakhi: sai is acp's wife?
sai don't you have any shame in telling lies
you are a fraud
you must be the keep right
tell that guy the truth sai
you are acp's mistress not a wife
you can't claim a wife right
sai: just shut up pakhi didi
pakhi pov
i was shocked when sai slapped me
in anger , i wanted to slap her back when someone caught my hand
and it was none other than virat
pakhi: virat?
author pov
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