i like you

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virat : what happened
why are you both shocked looking at each other
sai do you know sir
sai: he is ...
sai pov
i wanted to say he is my father
but my father stopped me
kamal: where is pulkit
virat: oh you know pulkit
kamal: he is a doctor and my..
virat: oh now i understand
he was your doctor sir
pulkit is in mumbai
he is preparing for his visa interview
he is marrying devyani and leaving the country
and wanted sai to settle
so he asked me to get married to sai
kamal: and you married her just like that
what about the family
virat: sir pulkit and sai are orphans
they have no one
except each other
my family didn't like it
but they are settling down  with the fact
sai is my wife
they have to accept it
sai pov
i don't know why virat sir was talking so much
i just wanted him to shut up
sai: virat sir
i think we are getting late
i bought our luggage
virat: yes
we will go in 10 mins
i will give these files  and will be back
give that coffee to kamal sir
sai: but ..
sai pov
seeing virat sir leave in hurry
made it more strange
now it's me and my father in the cabin
and his eyes were looking at me dangerously
sai: do you want coffee pa..
kamal: hold it right there
what are you doing
you married your sisters lover
sai: papa whatever i did
pulkit bhai..
kamal: stop saying  pulkit
i know very well
this was your revenge on pakhi
that girl what did she do to you
that you have taken such a big revenge
she is dying for virat
only to know her own sister married that guy
and ruined her life
sai: pakhi didis life is not ruined papa
she was the one who caused it
and she never considered me as her own
kamal; just shut up sai
i know  you gave  up all relations
to marry virat
but remember you will never be happy
by betraying someone
you will suffer
think about it and give up virat
go back to where you belong
sai: it might be easy for you papa
to give up on your family
but i can't do that
virat sir is mine
he is all i got
kamal: you ..
sai pov
papa was about to slap me
but virat sir came to the room
and he hurriedly put his hand away
kamal : i will go now sir
virat: ok sir
and sorry
i also cannot talk that much now
we have to leave to mumbai soon
may be we can catch up later
kamal: sure sir
i will take my leave
sai pov
i can see the anger in my fathers eyes
but i cannot do anything
sacrificing a doll is ok
but my husband
i'm never going to do that
sai pov
they say it's relaxing to watch beach
with your loved one
but for me it's a bit horrifying
he just says random things
virat: sai you are missing the part
you see the spot there
sai: yes it looks good
let's sit there and eat ice cream
virat: i wouldn't sit there
that's where they found a body last week
sai: what?
virat: yes
the postmortem is pending
sai: forget it
let's go to this spot
virat: that's my favorite spot
i killed a criminal there
when he was running away 2 years back
let's go
sai: no
not there
let's go to another spot
how about that one
virat: that spot
how to tell you
sai: was there a dead body
virat: no
sai: did you shoot or get shot
virat: no
sai: then let's go
virat: ok
sai pov
i dragged him happily and was enjoying the waves
when he creepily said
virat: now i remember
this is the suicide point
there is also a rumor going on
that's the ghosts are roaming
and will kill any couple who kisses
sai: what?
why didn't you say that before
virat: i didn't remember that
virat pov
seeing her tightly clutching my arm
made me smile
such a child
she gets frightened easily
sai: now why are you smiling
virat: come here
sai pov
i was shocked
when he kissed my lips
sai: what have you done
now we will be followed by the ghosts
virat: you really believe anything
don't you
sai: stop laughing virat sir
it's not funny anymore
virat: i like you sai
sai: what?
i didn't hear properly
say it again
sai pov
i was really happy when he said
but at the same time
i wanted to play with him
so i asked him to say it out loud
but again i forgot my husband is not that type
virat: i hate you sai
you can hear it now right
sai : what just now you said
i like you
virat: when you heard it
why did you ask again
sai: i just ...
virat: i know your little games
so don't try that on me
sai: it's not a game
virat: now no need to be shy
i will tell this the last time
i like you
promise me sai
whatever happens
you will never leave me
sai: why will i leave you
you should make the promise that you will never leave me
i can't live without you virat sir
sai pov
i really got shy and hugged him there
only for him
to kiss me very aggressively
virat : let's go from here
pakhi pov
i finally made my step father go and fix my alliance with virat
but he came home empty handed
saying nothing
pakhi : papa what happened
what did virat say
please tell me
kamal: forget him pakhi
it can't be done
usha: you didn't ask him right
it's because you don't treat pakhi as your daughter
pakhi: yes for papa it's only sai
not me
kamal: it's not about sai
pakhi forget virat
he is married
pakhi: what
this is wrong
virat loves me
he can't marry anyone
he must have joked with you
kamal: no i saw his wife
he was going to mumbai for a vacation with her
pakhi: no
he can't go
kamal: forget him
we will find you someone else
pakhi: no
i cannot
pakhi pov
if virat is not mine
i will not let anyone else have him
i will kill that woman
sai pov
it was in the morning hours
when i woke up
only to find myself on my husband chest
lying naked
last night was filled with passion
the insecurity i had in my  heart
vanished when he asked me to be with him forever
and now there was only love
kissing him one last time
i tried to go to the bathroom without waking him up
only for his phone ringing continuously
virat: who is it sai
sai: pakhi didi..
virat: what?
author pov
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