harsh truth

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virat pov
seeing sai puke her guts out
was really concerning
i covered her my shirt
and made her lie down
virat: here drink some water
sai pov
i didn't know what had happened
and why i was throwing up so suddenly
as i was worried virat sir was getting more worried for me
virat: do you need any medicine
sai: i will take after some time
i'm feeling a bit weak
virat: should i call the doctor
sai: no don't
i think it's just a stomach bug
virat: to have a stomach bug
did you eat something out?
sai: no nothing out of ordinary
i just had cake
it was ajinkyas birthday so..
virat: you are still talking to him
sai: he is a class mate
virat: i never heard you talking about others
don't you have any girls in your class
where you can be their friend
sai: i do talk to them
but ajinkya is a good friend
virat: good friend my ass
he just want to take advantage of you
and you will not understand
sai: what advantage virat sir
he is a good student
what's there to not understand about this
virat;yes how will you understand
it's not your fault
it's your upbringing
if you had parents they would have taught you something
of how a married woman should be
sai: virat sir
not this topic please
virat; if you want me to stop the topic
then remember that you are my wife
sai: im your wife
why will i forget that
now please stop asking me all these questions
can i please rest
i'm not feeling well
virat pov
i was burning in anger
thinking about that ajinkya
trying to be close to my wife
but i had to let go of the topic for now as sai was not feeling well
however i had a plan to teach
this ajinkya a lesson
if i see him near my sai
ashwini pov
i saw sai being tired than normal from past few days
with the marriage preparations and exams
she doesn't have time for herself
no one was helping her
i was feeling sad for her state
that's when my son came in between
and arranged an event manager for sai
but again he asked me to say that i arranged the help
making sai love me even more
and think that her husband doesn't care for her
that was a final straw to me
and i asked him to tell his wife that he cares for her
and loves her before it's too late
surprisingly my stupid son agreed
he even got a gift today for sai to confess
as i was thinking about sai's happy face
when she gets to know the love of her husband
i saw sai come inside the kitchen
ashwini: still not feeling well
sai: whatever i eat
im just throwing up
ashwini: you should go to the doctor
sai: i can't
i have exams
also from tomorrow we have functions
ashwini: it takes 10 mins
for a doctor check up
sai: and in that 10 mins
my husband wants tea
ashwini: didn't virat ask you to go to the doctor
sai : he asked a few days ago
but i said no
he acts as if he cares
but in reality it's nothing
ashwini: sai it's not that
virat actually.,
sai: it's ok maa
no need to say anything
i will go now
i think i need to throw up again
ashwini pov
this sai
she is misunderstanding virat
and why is she throwing up
is she pregnant?
virat pov
i was waiting for sai to come to the room
as i bought her a surprise
it was a pendent she liked when she was in bombay
and with my confession
i'm sure she will never even talk to that ajinkya again
as i was thinking about the surprise
i heard the foot steps
i assumed she was in the room
virat: took you long enough
anyway keep the tea on the table
and come here
i have a gift for you
virat pov
i was happy  when she hugged me from the back
but i immediately realized
from the hug it didn't feel like sai
i quickly removed the hands
turned around only to see pakhi standing
pakhi: i love you virat
virat: what are you doing here
pakhi: gift
is that gift for me?
pakhi pov
i snatched the gift from his hand
and was about to open it when
i heard a noise of cup broken
and sai standing in front of us
pakhi: you are at the right time sai
look at this virat bought me a gift
virat: sai it's not what it looks like
i didn't give her any gift
pakhi: why are you lying virat
we just hugged
and you have me this gift
virat: just shut up pakhi
sai listen to me
sai pov
i didn't know what to say
looking at the sight
sai: i need to use the washroom
virat: are you still sick
sai: i don't want to be here
virat : no you have to stay
today i'm going to show you
what pakhi means to me
sai; virat sir
virat: stay with me sai
pakhi pov
seeing virat care for sai
i was loosing it
he was mine
pakhi: old love is never lost virat
virat: give me my box and get out of my room
pakhi: why are you angry virat
i know you are not happy with sai
please it's not late now
remove that sai from your life
and let's get back together
virat: do you think
i'm like you?
replacing people based on your profit
i told you then
i'm telling you now
keep this in your head
whatever we had was a miserable lie
what i have now is my truth
sai is my wife
pakhi: you can't do this
i was your everything
but now you are saying i'm nothing
because of this sai
this sai is better
than me
what do you about her ?
you think she is what she tells you ?
sai: pakhi did please shut up
pakhi : enough is enough
from my childhood you were always after my things
but it's not going to happen anymore
sai: pakhi didi please
virat: sai what's happening
why are you saying please to her
she is not worth it
pakhi: yes virat
you are right
my sister is not worth of your love
virat: sister ?
what are you talking pakhi
sai what's this
sai : virat sir.. i ...
author pov
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