Chapter 38 -- Finding Your Dance Partner

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I chew onto my lip ring as I walk through my old campus. School is starting later this week which means students are all out and about. They're getting to know each other, joining different clubs or extracurricular activities, and just chilling on campus. Plenty of orientation groups walk by me with partly scared and partly excited freshman who's eyes resemble that of sheep lost in a flock.

I decided to go casual today, wearing a black T-shirt with jeans instead of my now usual formal attire of button downs and polos. I didn't want to be confused as a professor, that's for sure. I stroll leisurely, watching people through my sunglasses as they throw a frisbee around the main campus field. Opening week always resembles a festival. So many people laughing, food trucks parked on the street, music coming from different speakers, and people just having a good time.

I take a seat on the grass, leaning back but keeping myself propped up by my elbows. A content smile naturally falling on my lips. How many countless times I was at this courtyard playing fetch with Sur. Or how many times did I just beeline my way across because I didn't want to interact with anyone. I take a deep breath, closing my eyes and enjoying the sun. It's not as intense here as it is in Miami, but I've grown warm to the feeling of having the rays of the sun hit my skin.

I'm going to miss living on campus. My apartment is only an hour away in the city. I promised the Weirdos I would come and visit on the weekends or let them stay with me. They're extremely determined to get me clubbing in the city. All I could do is chuckle at the thought of going out with them. I always felt like I had to force myself to go out with them because my mind wouldn't allow me to fully enjoy itself. Now I'm just excited to show them the full potential of 'party' Lo.

I check my watch, seeing that I've still got some time to kill. I came to visit the Weirdos before classes start. They invited me to their house to have some lunch before they go into the dance studio. I'm a bit nervous because I know they live with Harper now. It didn't take long for Mikala to tell me that Harper would be at work today, which incidentally, has left me a bit calmer. I just don't know what I would do if I were to see Harper again.

I head towards one of the food trucks that reads Café right above. As I'm waiting in line, I feel someone tap on my shoulder. "Lo?"

I turn around, only to be met by Vincent. My eyes go wide, and I quickly push my sunglasses up on my head to make sure I'm seeing clearly. He looks so different. He's grown out a beard and last time I saw him he was absolutely wasted. Now he's smiling and looking like a whole new man.

"Holy shit," I say as Vincent gives me his hand for a hug. "I hardly recognized you. Wow, it's great to see you, Vincent."

If I had been walking down the street, I would have never been able to tell this was Vincent. Hell, if he was in a line-up next to his impersonators I would have still struggled.

"You too." He says energetically with a bright smile. Glancing at me he adds, "You look so different."

I let out a small laugh, "Nice beard, Jesus."

"Thanks, it took all summer to grow it." He strokes his beard slightly. It looks like he properly grooms it, and it makes him look much older than he is. But it suits him well compared to the boyish features I know him for.

"Next." The guy in the food truck yells catching my attention.

"Right," I turn quickly towards him. "One latte for me and..."

I turn towards Vincent who looks caught off guard. I smile politely, "On me."

"Uh..." He glances at the menu before shrugging. "Same."

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