Chapter 19--The Truth Isn't Always What You Want

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I sit up straight and gasp for air. My body is sweating and even though it's cold in my room I quickly throw my shirt off and onto the ground. I lay in bed bare chested with the covers pushed to the side as I try to calm my racing heart. God, I hate my nightmares. Actually, it shouldn't even be plural because it's only one nightmare. The same one, again and again and again. It seems that every time I fall asleep I'm either surrounded by darkness or I have a nightmare. What happened to the happy dreams?

I bury my hands into my face and let the buzzing of the gunshot fade away into the quiet night. I don't move at all for a few minutes. Even when I start to feel cold I stay still. What a terrible way to begin what I expect to be a terrible day. I pick up my phone and glance at the time. It's seven in the morning. I can probably try falling back asleep and try catching a bit more Z's before getting up. But I know if I try to close my eyes again I'll just toss and turn.

I swing my legs over the side of my bed and pick up my shirt. After putting it back on, I slowly trudge my feet along the ground as I make my way towards the kitchen. Sur looks up from his bed as soon as I turn the lights on. He yawns and whines softly before tucking his head back down onto his body. It's still probably too early for him to be up.

Cap'n is sleeping on the couch. I stop for a moment to stare at my cat. Her body is stretched out entirely making her look more like a sleeve of a jacket instead of a cat. She notices I've woken up too and begins to stand up. She stretches her back and yawns before effortlessly jumping to the floor.

I make my way to the kitchen where Cap'n joins me at the counter. She's probably waiting for me to make my batch of coffee and to feed her some breakfast. I think the only time she pays attention to me is when I fill up her empty bowl every morning.

"Maybe if you're a good girl today," I say to her as I grab the small cup and dig into her food. Sur seems to hear the noise and he quickly joins us in the kitchen. Food will get any animal to your side in a few seconds. "You'll get some canned food tonight instead of this dry shit."

Cap'n keeps her one eye locked on me. There's a bored and dead expression behind it. I swear, cats can show annoyance so much better than any other creature in the world. Even a cat with one eye. "Cheer up a bit," I say sarcastically as I place her food down in its usual spot. "It's Thanksgiving."

Sur looks up at me with hopeful eyes as if asking, Dude where's my food? I'm hungry too. Lo give me food, I'm a good boy.

I smile down at my dog and get down on my knees to ruffle through his fur quickly before kissing his head. He yawns again, fanning my face with his dog breath. "What would I do without you boy?" I ask only seeming to make him happier. I stand back up and pull out an egg and the Eggo waffles from my fridge.

I hold the egg out in front of Sur, "Omelette?"

He gives me no reaction, so I hold out the box of Eggos, "Waffles?"

Sur barks and wags his tail. I smile and put the egg back into the fridge. "Waffles for breakfast it is," I say as I begin to pull them out of their box. While the waffles finish up in the toaster, I grab the syrup and fill up Sur's bowl with some of his food. When the waffles are done, I tear one into four pieces before dropping it in his bowl with a little bit of syrup.

I sit down at the counter, my cup of coffee at my side as I begin to slowly eat my breakfast. I check my phone only to see several messages from Veronica. You better wear that nice shirt I got you, She texted me last night.

And I didn't get you those dress shoes so that they could collect dust in your closet, She adds. I better not see you in converse and sweatpants or I might actually have to kill you.

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