alt. 9

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please go back and read chapters 1-8 (at least 8) as the next chapters will pick up right where chapter 8 left off.

also please comment ideas!!! i'm not really sure what you guys want to read about and i'm struggling 💕

Kie's POV:

JJ and so stood there both looking at the pregnancy test that read 'positive'. I whispered, "holy shit" and I started to cry and JJ hugged me. He wrapped his arms around me so tight, but so gentle at the same time. I stayed in his arms for a few minutes and my tears had stopped and I looked at the test that was still in my hand.

I broke the hug and grabbed one of JJ's jackets and I went outside and sat on the step right outside the door. It was snowy and there was a light white dusting on everything. It was beautiful, something out of a movie.

I sat there just looking at the test. I have no idea what the hell I'm going to do. Of course, I love JJ but I always felt like it was more of sibling love (but then we slept together). I love Cole and the life we are building together. I'm for sure having this baby. I'm just terrified to tell anyone but JJ.

I made the decision that I was going to schedule an appointment and talk to my doctor to confirm the pregnancy, get a due date, and all that stuff before I told Cole.

The door opened and JJ sat beside me. He didn't say anything, he just sat there with me.

"It's beautiful here" I said admiring the property

"Yeah, it really is" JJ said smiling at me

I told him that this baby was going to stay a secret until I went to the doctor. He agreed and was super supportive of anything I wanted. JJ made dinner and I took a shower. I made an appointment for next week with an OB. It was getting late and I laid in bed and JJ went to the couch.

"J, will you come lay with me?" I asked

He got up, walked over, and laid on the other side of the bed. I moved closer to him and I fell asleep. I woke up the next day and I drove back home. JJ was going to stay at the cabin for a bit and he had his dirt bike here. I went home to Cole and he took me out to dinner. He told me missed me and that we needed a date night. A few days went by and today was the day of my appointment.

"Where are you off to?" Cole asked as I was leaving the house

"Annual appointment with my lady doctor" I replied knowing that would make him not want to come and it wasn't a total lie

I drove to the clinic and waited for the appointment. I was so nervous and I was all alone. The doctor came in and she asked a lot of questions and then I was going to do an ultrasound. I was sweating and my heart was racing.

I wish I had invited JJ to come with me. I texted him

I'm about to do the ultrasound. I wish you were here.

I changed into the gown and sat on the table and there was a knock on the door a nurse entered and asked, "Is it okay if your guest comes in?"

I was confused and nodded yes and JJ appeared. He took a seat in the chair next to me and he said, "Sorry, I'm late"

"You made it for the most important part" I said as he grabbed my hand

A few seconds later, our baby appeared on the screen. It was nothing, it was so tiny but it was there. I started crying and I saw tears in JJ's eyes too. We got pictures of the ultrasound and set up the next appointment. We were left alone in the room and JJ also left so I could change.

I came out in my clothes and we left the clinic. "How did you get here so fast?"

"I was waiting for you to come out and hear how it went. I'm glad you texted me"

"Thanks for being there" I said hugging him

"Does baby want to celebrate with ice cream?" JJ asked

"Yeah" I smiled and we walked to my car and JJ drove to a local ice cream place

We went inside and he ordered my favorite ice cream and we sat outside and ate as we talked. We both couldn't stop talking about the baby. I still couldn't believe I had a tiny human growing inside of me.

After, JJ went home on his bike and I drove home to Cole.

"So how'd it go with the lady doc?" He asked kissing me

"It was good, same old"

Cole kissed me and he said, "I just got a call from my boss and I have a big conference to go to in two days in Arizona for three weeks and you're coming with me"

"I can't miss almost a month of work, but I would love to go with you"

"Well, then come for a week. I need my beautiful bride there with me" He said spinning me as he started slow dancing with me in the kitchen

"Okay" I said agreeing

I ended the dance and told him I needed to start packing if we left that soon. I also had to talk to my boss to make sure I could get a week off of work. Cole came upstairs and he went into my dresser and closet and grabbed his favorites.

Of course, he wanted me to pack lingerie, sexy dresses, and a ton of bikinis. How was I going to hide my small bump? It was small, but it was only going to grow. This was going to be a challenge. I just needed to talk to JJ and Cole together and figure this all out.


Sorry this took so long! I'm just trying to figure out what should happen in this ending.

Please leave any ideas you might have!

Thanks for reading!

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