End Note

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Looking back at this, nearly four years since I stared this novel, I can really tell how I've grown. When I first started writing, I wrote my speech like this:

"It's horrible!," Because I knew that there were commas, but not how they were used.

There may even still be a few of those grammatical mistakes remaining in this book.

The plot in this book is... all over the place. I had a clear goal in mind, but I also had so many things I wanted to try and this book suffered because of it. 

Now that I've rewritten this book, I've trimmed out unnecessary plot lines such as the brief encounter with werewolf king Daryn and Darron Ravenstorm's transformation and reveal as a firewielder. I'm sure some of you loved those ideas (or maybe not!), but for the sake of keeping the book on track I had to trim the branches of my imaginary tree.

Why have I suddenly added this note? Well, recently I've had a few devoted readers - binge reading and voting on both 'Shadow Kingdoms' and 'Shattered kingdoms', so I figured it would be nice to reflect a little on how far I've come - and how much further I hope to go...

This original draft is dear to my heart, as it is my first ever completed novel, so even when I finish the rewrite, I'll leave this old version here.

Anyways, just figured I'd say 'thank you' for joining me in Dargon and on this journey.

Hope you lovely readers will still stay with me when I branch out into different genres - I have a range of ideas in fantasy, romance, werewolf and vampire genres... let me know if you have a particular interest in any genre (Although I can't promise a great romance considering my lack of romantic experience IRL)



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Shadow Kingdoms | Book 1 ✔ (REWRITTEN AS 'THE EXILED KING')Where stories live. Discover now