Chapter 4

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When driving to school the next morning I saw Luke walking, but I didn't even think about giving him a ride. His sorry ass deserved to walk.

The rest of the the day was normal with little encounters with Luke. So when it was time for lunch I went to my locker and grabbed my money and then proceeded down the hall when two hands flew out from a doorway and pulled me in a doorway.

I was so shocked that I my muffled screams were actually heard over a large hand over my mouth.

"Luke what the hell!" I say as I push him off of me.

"I'm sorry! I just needed to talk to you..." I cut him off before he can say anything else. "But I thought no one could know we are friends." I snapped at him. And then I continued to walk out the room, he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him and put my back against the wall. He leaned in close to me, I'm guessing because he didn't want to be loud and get caught. I was so close to him, right up against each other. My heart was beating out of my chest. He had his hands on either side on my shoulders, so that I wouldn't try to leave again. Thoughts raced through my head as fast as lightning. What the hell is happening? Are we having a moment? Shit.

His face was so close to mine, and we stood there for what felt like forever before he sighed and semi-whispered "I still want to be friends. I'm sorry, damn it Emma I am sorry. I was an ass for what I said and I know that. I can't stand not talking to you at school. I really do like you, lets be friends, in public and in private." He pulls his head back and gives me a half-hearted smile. I return the smile back and nod. Honestly how can I say no after all that effort and I knew he really meant it. And after that moment all I wanted to do was hang out with him. Be that close to him again. If only he realized the effect he had on me.

Luke extends his hand and I grab on to it. We both laugh as we walk out of the class room. I start to see his friends walking towards us. I feel Luke's hand fall out of mine. It took him less than 2 minutes to break his promise of being friends with me in public. I felt so let down, like my trust in him had dropped to level zero. He stopped and talked to them and I continued to walk with my head held low.

All of sudden I heard Luke call my name. "Hey Emma! Wait come back!" I turn on my heels to face him and his friends.

I walk towards his group of friends, a reassuring smile forming on my face.

Luke puts his arm around me and he says "guys, this is emma.. my new neighbor. Emma these are my best friends; Calum, Ashton, and Michael!"

They all echo a 'hey' and we all walk to lunch.

To say the least, Ava and Sophia were definitely shocked when they saw me, Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton walk in the cafeteria together. Since the last thing they heard from me about Luke was my constant ranting about him being a complete asshole.

I continued to walk over near Sophia and Ava, I didn't expect Luke and his friends to come over where I was but they did.

"Did you really think you were gonna get rid of me that easily?" Luke whispered into my ear as he began to set his stuff on the table, with a smirk. I can't help but to smile

Sophia and Ava were sitting across from me, Luke sat down next to me, Calum sat next to him on the left of Sophia, and Michael sat on my other side, and Ashton sat in between him and Ava. I could feel Ava immediately flinch as Ashton sat down next to her. She has had the biggest crush on him ever since he transferred here, she is a very shy girl so she never really acted on it. I couldn't help but to let out a little giggle at Ava's reaction. She then shot me a glare and I just smirked and looked down at the table.

Sophia was the complete opposite as Ava. She wasn't afraid of demolishing awkward situations and she loved meeting new people, basically the perfect vision of an extrovert. Ava was your classic introvert; shy, flinchy, creator of all things awkward. I honestly think that if it wasn't for me, they would not be friends because they are polar opposites. And while I am explaining their personalities, here is a little look on the outside:

Ava has naturally red shoulder length hair, she has distinctive big and bright blue eyes. She is short, but mostly my height. Ava is very smart and gets good grades, and she is the one to go to for most of your homework.

Sophia is tall and has long legs, and has long, wavy, blonde hair that goes down to her mid-stomach. All boys want to date her, and all girls want to be her... Yeah she's that girl. Which we joke about every day because she went from zero to a hundred throughout the summer between middle school and high school. So she might look like a stupid supermodel, but I still have the upmost respect for her. Even though she changed, she still stuck with us. And don't get me wrong- Both of them are extremely beautiful, just in a different way. I really do love calling them my best friends.

"So!" Sophia projected, clapping her hands together.

Sophia is always the first one to try and break the ice.

"I'm assuming that you guys made up...?" Sophia said looking toward me and Luke, which sounded more like a question then a statement.

"Yes Soph, everything is fine now." I said with a smile and glance over at Luke who is looking at me and he returns the smile.

I could see her eyeing me, and I already knew what was coming, "you know what, you guys would make a very cute co-"

"Okay! Well look at the time, we should probably go get to our next class" I interrupted while I picked up my stuff, clearly ignoring her. While walking away, I shoot her a very obvious glare.

After the rest of the day past I got my car and started to drive home.

Of course I see Luke walking home so I slow down and he keeps walking.

I roll my eyes and sigh "seriously? I thought we were over this."

"Em, stop its not you." Luke snaps, still not looking at me.

I could clearly tell something was wrong so I stopped the car and rolled down the window completely.

"Luke!" I escalated my voice, and when he heard me he turned on his heels and faced me, revealing a very obvious black eye, and scratches all over his head and neck.

"Damnit Emma everything isn't about you." he shouts.

"Oh my god Luke, what the hell happened to you?" I ask as I get out of my car, leaving the door open.

"I just got into a fight, that's all. I'm fine." He sighs.

As I look over the cuts he flinches and so I usher him to the passenger seat as I say "you are obviously not, come on I will take you home and clean it up okay?" I shut his door and while I was walking to my the driver door I mumbled under my breath, "Dumbass..."

As I stepped into the car Luke chuckled and said "I heard that."

"Well, the truth hurts." I say with a smirk, as I start the car and drive the rest of the way to my house.

The boy next door // Luke hemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now