
190 7 0

Updated 8/20/23

"Naruto... it's good that you're releasing the poison but... any more and you'll die from lack of blood. Seriously..." Kakashi conveyed to Naruto, a delicate semblance of his enigmatic smile gracing his features.

Upon absorbing Kakashi's cautionary words, a tempestuous surge of panic surged within Naruto's chest "No!! That's bad!! I can't die from something like this!!"

"Naruto you're fine you won't die. The bleeding is probably done by now." Sonia reassured him, bridging the distance to stand beside him, her presence offering a soothing reassurance.

"Let me see your hand," Kakashi prompted, extending his own hand in a gesture of assurance as he gently cupped Naruto's palm within his own.

"Naruto are you a masochist? What are you thinking?!" Sakura's vocal disapproval was tinged with incredulity, punctuated by her ardent query.

A flicker of annoyance manifested on Sonia's countenance, a small vertical line of exasperation appearing between her brows. "Of course he's not a masochist you idiot. Look how sweet and innocent Naruto is. How could he ever be a masochist?"

(Kakashi POV )

A contemplative hum escaped my lips as I observed the injury on Naruto's hand, noting with a trace of astonishment that the wound exhibited signs of spontaneous healing.

Nevertheless, I proceeded to skillfully envelop his hand in the confines of the bandage, a careful and methodical motion ensuring that the dressing was secure and supportive.

Naruto's voice, laden with genuine concern, broke through the hushed atmosphere. "Ummm hey sensei am I going to be okay?" 

I must have had a facial expression that freaked him out.

Upon assessing his unease, a gentle reassurance emanated from my words. "You should be fine." 

Must be the power of the Nine-Tails.

"Sensei.." Tazuna's voice interjected, diverting my attention from Naruto's inquiry.

A notion of import registered with my observant senses.  "I have to talk to you."

~~~~~~ A few hours later~~~~~

"What thick mist I can't see ahead," Naruto's exclamation reverberated through the air as he leaned precariously over the boat's prow, his voice tinged with both excitement and wonderment. The mist, dense and opaque, enveloped the surroundings, creating an ethereal ambiance that masked their immediate visibility.

"We should see the bridge soon." From the helm of the vessel, the boatman's voice chimed in, his words laced with a sense of reassurance. " The Wave country is at the base of the bridge."

With each stroke of the oars, Team 7 and Tazuna continued their voyage, the mist clinging to them like a mystic shroud. The passage of time melded seamlessly with the rhythmic motions of the boat, culminating in the awe-inspiring sight of the massive, unfinished bridge emerging from the concealing fog.

"Wow!!! It's huge!!" Naruto's jubilant exclamation echoed once more, the sheer scale of the structure leaving him temporarily speechless.

Unfazed by the spectacle, Sonia's calm remark cut through the atmosphere. "Shut up would ya." she said, her tone tinged with a touch of indifference.

Amidst the chatter and excitement, the boatman's patience wore thin, his voice assuming a stern edge. "Hey be quiet. Why do you think we are hiding in the mist and not using the engine? We'll be in deep trouble if Gatou finds us."

In response to this admonition, Naruto's exuberance waned as he hastily clamped his hands over his mouth, a concerted effort to heed the boatman's warning and preserve their secrecy.

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