The Forest of Death

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Updated 8/15/23

After the first test had concluded, Anko, their enigmatic guide, led the assembly of genin onward, the anticipation hanging like a veil in the air. With a strategic pause, she pivoted, her gaze meeting theirs, a smirk of amusement tracing her lips as they arrived at the designated training ground. A theatrical gesture, a welcome onto a stage of reckoning.

"Welcome to the stage for the second exam. Training ground 44," Anko's voice resonated with a tinge of mischief, as if the very location held secrets waiting to be unraveled.

"Also known as The Forest of Death," Sonia interjected, her tone a blend of indifference and impatience, as if the grandiosity of the title hardly merited her attention. Her words bore the weight of familiarity, yet her demeanor projected an aura of someone eager to traverse this challenge.

A quirked eyebrow and a perplexed gaze were exchanged, as Anko attempted to decipher the enigma that was Sonia. But failing to unveil the layers beneath, she carried on with her mission. Amidst the crowd, Sonia's mind began to drift, the minutiae of Anko's speech blurring into the background.

However, a glint of metal ignited a burst of alertness within Sonia, her senses sharpening as Anko's kunai hurtled toward Naruto. In a flash of motion, Sonia intervened, intercepting the trajectory with a swift grace that mirrored her determination. A mask concealed her expression, yet her eyes bore a message that sent a shiver down Anko's spine.

Her words, a chilling whisper, reverberated like a warning. "I do suggest that you refrain from throwing things at my teammates." A flick of her wrist returned the kunai to Anko, an act of controlled strength that bore testament to her abilities.

Anko's kunai found its sheath, a quiet acknowledgment of the unsung harmony that existed within their delicate web of interactions. But the air shifted as a presence, both ominous and captivating, loomed nearby. Orochimaru's gaze, a serpent's allure, met Sonia's with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Now before we start I have to pass out some things." Anko stated pulling out a huge piled of paper.  "You must sign these agreement forms." She passed out the papers despite everyone's confused looks. 

She disseminated the truth to her team, their minds unraveling the mystery even as Anko's words remained unspoken. "They just don't want to be responsible if someone dies in there," Sonia's explanation was a tether that anchored their apprehension.

Naruto's voice erupted, a note of fear tangling with disbelief. "What?! People die in there?" The tremor of uncertainty colored his words, a chorus of unease echoed in his tone.

"Naru-kun," Sonia's words, a soothing melody, cradled his fears in an embrace of reassurance. "I've told you before - I will never let you guys die - Not on my watch." Her smirk held the weight of a promise, a shield of resolve against the darkness that threatened.

The ritual of signatures unfolded, papers bearing inked bonds of commitment and destiny. Sonia's steady hand collected her team's agreements, and with purposeful steps, she approached the point of submission. Yet, an unforeseen presence veered into her path, a collision that teetered on imbalance before being steadied by an unseen hand.

"Uh... Thanks," gratitude was softly spoken, eyes lifting to meet those of a figure who bore a cloak of mystery. An undertone of awareness lingered in Sonia's gaze, a flicker of recognition tempered by caution.

"Yess... You're welcome, young one," a smirking reply slithered forth, the embodiment of intrigue slipping away as Sonia's glare bore witness.


After seeing he's a good distance away, Sonia turned in my team's papers and headed back over to them, noticing Naruto's friends were there.

"Ah Konahomeru, Moegi, Udon. How are you guys?" Sonia's voice was a thread that wove through the tapestry of interactions, her curiosity a bridge between the present and the past.

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