Secret Plan!

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Update 8/20/23

"A lot of arrogance.. but do you stand a chance?" Zabuza's words hung in the air like a lingering mist, his arrogance woven into the very fabric of his challenge.

"If you think they don't then you've got another thing coming for you." Sonia's response, laced with a mix of defiance and assurance, rippled across the tense battlefield.

His response was a glare, a fissure of anger veiled by his actions. The intricate dance of one-handed seals played out before her, a prelude to the impending assault. Gradually, the waters surrounding Sonia grew turbid, enshrouding her form and choking off her access to air. A gasp escaped her lips, a final breath captured before her lungs became a prison.

Amidst her struggle, Zabuza's malevolent amusement held her captive, his laughter echoing like a haunting dirge. "Hahahha you guys will never grow up. Going to continue playing ninja eh? When I... When I was about your age.. these hands were already dyed red with blood." 

"Devil Zabuza," Kakashi muttered, he looked at him and nodded. 

"Ah, so you've heard a little about it." He said.  

"Long ago in the Hidden Mist Village, also called the Blood Mist Village... there was a final obstacle in becoming a ninja." Kakashi informed Team 7.  

"Hmm, You even know about that graduation exam."

"That exam? What's this graduation exam thing?!" Naruto bellowed.

"Hehehe.. fights to the death between the students. Friends who have trained and eaten at the same table are pitted against each other and go at it... until one of them loses his life. These are friends who had helped each other and shared dreams.."

"10 years ago the Hidden Mist graduation exam was forced to change. This change came after the previous year.. when a devil appeared."

"Change? What change? What did this devil do?" Sakura asked.

"Without pause or hesitation, a young boy who was not even a ninja had killed over a hundred of the students." Kakashi paused, noticing there was something different about the ball of water.

The sudden escalation spurred Kakashi into action, his form an ephemeral flicker as he moved behind Zabuza. His appearance was a testament to his unyielding determination, his kunai pressed firmly to Zabuza's throat.

"How dare you treat my student like this. Release the jutsu. Now!" The resolute demand, a declaration that echoed through the tense atmosphere, bore the force of Kakashi's protective instincts. His words, laced with authority, beckoned Zabuza to release his captive from the confines of his suffocating jutsu.

In a symphony of motion, Naruto's shadow clones leaped into action, an insurrection against the phantom clone's advances. Their intervention, a maelstrom of confusion, played out with a kinetic energy that splintered the chaotic tableau.

Within the maelstrom, Naruto's indomitable will unleashed a cascade of events. The colossal shuriken, wielded as a projectile of rescue, sliced through the air like a harbinger of salvation.

"Sasuke!" Naruto's voice, an imploring cry, rent the air as the shuriken hurtled towards its intended target.

Sasuke's dexterity was on full display as he ensnared the spinning shuriken with deft precision. The deadly projectile was poised within his grip, a testament to his mastery of weaponry. 

 "Evil Wind Shuriken Shadow Windmill!!" He said throwing it towards the clone.

"A shuriken won't work against me." Zabuza's keen observation pierced through the mist of battle, honing in on the shuriken's trajectory. His awareness of Sasuke's intentions led him to conclude that the attack was intended for the real Zabuza, not the clone.

"I see you're aiming it at the real me.. but that's not good enough," A momentary realization flickered across Zabuza's visage as the shuriken continued on its trajectory, moving beyond his initial estimation.

"Another one in the shadow of the shuriken?! " He yelled surprised.

"But," He said again jumping over the shuriken," Still not good enough."

Despite his surprise, Zabuza's swift reflexes carried him over the shuriken's path, a calculated evasion that showcased his combat prowess. His leap defied the perilous trajectory, his body soaring over the threat that was meant to ensnare him.

The shuriken's journey ended with an unexpected twist, finding its mark in Kakashi's form. The impact reverberated through the air, the consequences of the throw becoming evident as Kakashi's body tumbled into the water below.

"He dodged it!!" Sakura yelled perplexed. "And you could've hit the real Kakashi!" Her exclamation echoed the surprise that coursed through the air, her words an echo of the collective astonishment that had gripped the battlefield.

As the scene unfolded, Sonia's vigilant gaze remained fixed on the interplay between the combatants. The subtle threads of chakra that intertwined with the shuriken's trajectory did not escape her notice, her attunement to chakra sensations giving her unique insight.

Amidst the chaos, an unsettling sensation gripped Sonia's consciousness. A fleeting dizziness ebbed at her senses, a growing realization that her connection to the physical realm was waning. The encroaching darkness, a result of her depleted strength, threatened to pull her into its enigmatic depths.

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