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-At the Square, Y/N's POV-

After we made our arrival and with the help of the coachman, we finally joined the society and its many participants. I sighed and looked towards Becca to ask, "Is it weird to be back among these people?"

"Quite, I should be rather thankful that not much of these gossipers reside back home," Becca responds as I laugh when Isa mumbles an "Indeed"

I looked around to see if I could spot Anthony or any of the other Bridgertons, but it appears they decided to forgo it, as well as the Sharmas and Lady Danbury.

"Shall we begin our promenade dear sisters?" Becca asked as she links her arms into mine and Isa before she looks to Charlie, "Are you going to be alright with Samuel if we go?"

"Of course, doesn't pain me to get a break from those two," Charlie speaks, making me and Isa slack jawed to rebut, "How rude."

"You know I'm teasing, have fun," Charlie responds as he and Sam venture off to a different area of the park, preferably where the other children would be. After the two started their venture, we started ours along the graveled path.

As we continued along, we stopped when we heard the familiar giggle of Prudence Featherington and looked over to see her showing off the engagement ring her cousin Jack "proposed" with. I leaned close to Becca's ear, "Still believe it's a ruse."

"Perhaps so, but at least yours isn't," Becca whispers as she reaches over to twirl the ring that still lays upon my finger, "It really does suit you."

"Edmund had a thoughtful mind when it comes to loving Violet and the children," I say before clearing my throat, "I have to confess, it's hard to fathom that he wasn't in attendance physically to his first daughter's matrimony, and now his first son is about to enter one that is about to allow someone new become Viscountess."

"You're going to be a great Viscountess, the children love you and Violet especially. I have faith you'll be able to carry that title with your head held high," Becca whispered to me before she says out loud to those with a lingering gaze, "Oh I know, but we have reasons to believe he's found his match in Edwina. She seems sweet, Edmund would've loved her for Anthony."

Yes, yes he would if he gotten the chance to make her acquaintance, but he knew in his heart that as soon as I entered his family's life, that I was going to be the one he loved the most as a "daughter".

-Back at the Bridgerton Estate, Anthony's POV-

I wish very deeply that I was spending time with Y/N, but right now I'm getting measured for the suit I'm to wear at mine and Edwina's "wedding". Per the Queen's request to make haste on it.

"It is not yet right. See how the cuffs are an inch too short?" I make note to the tailor as I'm looking at myself upon the mirror in the jacket.

"Very well, sir," the tailor said as he helps me take it off to make the measurements accurate.

"There is plenty of time to adjust it to your liking," Mother inputs as she reminds me, "The wedding is not for another month."

"There is still much to do," I respond as Gregory asks, "Will Miss Edwina live with us?" while the tailor was still in earshot at that moment.

As soon as he left the drawing-room, he then changed his question, "Is Y/N going to live with us?"

"Indeed. After the wedding, she'll be the lady of the house and responsible for you all," Mother answers as I hand her a cup of tea.

"Lord, help her," Colin says as I remind, "Speaking of which, you're not to speak a single word about my actual betrothal. We must keep up with this ruse if we're actually going to be successful getting the Queen to leave us be."

From Young Man to Viscount: An Anthony Bridgerton StoryWhere stories live. Discover now