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-The Study, Y/N's POV-

"Okay, okay," I whisper shout, trying to release Anthony's iron grip on my wrist as we both enter the study of Lady Danbury's estate, "Ow, Anthony you're hurting me!"

Anthony releases me to go shut the door before laying his head on the door as he curses for his brute strength and apologizes for what he done.

"It's fine, you just have some anger or frustration bubbling up inside you," I said from behind him as I walk up to rub up and down his shoulder before whispering, "You know you can tell me what's bothering you, I'll always listen no matter the topic."

"Everything," Anthony mumbled under his breath, prompting me to ask him to repeat before he shouts, "EVERYTHING! Everything is bothering me!" making me flinch and jump back.

"Wha-what do you mean by everything?" I asked before asking another question, but with a shaking tone, "Have I done something to make you feel this way?"

Hearing my tone go that direction made Anthony lift his head up to look into my eyes, which were swirling with fear and confusion.

"No, no, it's not you. You could never do anything to make me feel these emotions. It's just-" Anthony started to say before he steadied himself with a deep breath as he continues, "I'm just frustrated that I have to fake this happiness about being with Edwina when really, I don't have to whenever I'm with you. I'm frustrated that the Queen is doing everything she can to come between us and prevent us from spending our future with one another. I also can't help but feel disappointment about what Kate had done."

"I can't say I place blame on you for that, but I am sure her intentions were not meant to be taken as malicious. She was simply looking out for Edwina's best interest, just like you would do for your siblings and have so admirably have been doing so since you've stepped in your father's footsteps," I respond as I feel myself trying to take a deep breath and wish away the tears that are starting to well, "I wish I could do the same for Isa and Charlie, for I can only do so much," before they fell down my cheeks.

"Oh, darling, you do. Take a glance back on how happy they've been since you've arrived back, they have smiles upon their face every time I see them. I can see that look in their eyes when they see the places you tell them stories about," Anthony whispered as he puts his hands on my face, "And also I can see their excitement when they witness how much love their sister receives from the man who tries to give it his all to make sure she knows how much she means to him." before he wipes away the tears and pecks me on the nose, making me blush and laugh before I whisper, "Thank you."

"For what?" Anthony asked as he raises his brows in curiosity before I reply, "For reminding me."

"Of course, what are betrothed for?" Anthony responds as he smiles down at me before I see his smile fade and sorrow comes across his face.

"Anthony, are you okay? Do I need to call for the doctor?" I asked as I put my hand to his forehead to make sure he wasn't running a fever before he moved my hand away to hold it in front of him.

"I'm well, but it makes me wonder about something," Anthony whispered before he took in a breath to turn to look out the window and asked, "Did you have a lover back where you were? Back where you've been for the past decade before coming back."

I wonder what prompted him to think about that fact, unless he fears that another man could come in and steal me away from him again.

Before I gave him an answer, I place my hand on his cheek to turn his attention back towards me, to see he too has tears welling up in his eyes.

"No, I did not have a lover...because I had already fallen in love, with someone who I've known since I was a little girl who was hiding behind people, too shy to speak. Someone who is caring, strong, humble, sometimes he can be a git, but most of all, someone who is never afraid to admit they're wrong in some scenarios," I say as I inched closer to Anthony's lips before whispering, "I fell in love with you, Anthony. I wouldn't have wanted that any different."

From Young Man to Viscount: An Anthony Bridgerton StoryWhere stories live. Discover now