Night Swinging in the Concrete Jungle

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It was twelve o'clock. I didn't know where I was swinging, or why. I just was. It's instinct. I don't go for a walk, I go for a swing.


I appeared to be headed towards the George Washington Bridge. That was the last place I wanted to be. That was where Gwen Stacy died.

I don't want to relive that night. The night when Harry Osborn, my best friend, cracked up and used an old experiment to delay some sort of genetic disease, turning him into the Green Goblin. When he stole Gwen from her apartment and took her here. I tried to save her-- I did. But the web caused her to stop abruptly. And so, her neck snapped.

As did my web, due to the tears that ran freely down my face.

I fell and fell and fell until finally I caught myself. I sobbed on the edge of a building until three. Then I went home to sleep, because tomorrow was the job interview.


When I woke up, I had quite the surprise.

As I put some pants on over the boxers I slept in, I saw the moving truck at the house next door. That was new. I decided to go out side and investigate.

It was an overcast day-- my favorite kind. As I was admiring the patterns of the clouds while walking, I bumped into someone carrying far too many boxes. Stuff spilled everywhere.

"I'm sorry, so sorry," I said.

" No, it's fine," the person replied.

And then I looked up.

I saw a girl, about my age, with a head that was practically on fire, staring at me with green eyes. I felt REALLY guilty now.

Starting to pick up some of the stuff, I asked, " What's your name? I'm Peter Parker, I live in that house next door."

The girl gave a flustered laugh. "Hi, I'm Mary Jane Watson. Everyone calls me MJ though."

To finish getting off on the right foot, I asked if she needed any help. "Well MJ, do you need me to carry some of those boxes?"

Soon enough, we were carrying the boxes up her stairs and to what was to be her room. I placed my share down on the floor, when I noticed something inside the box. I pulled it out and grinned. "No. Way. This is SO COOL!"


Was a model T. A. R. D. I. S.

She gave another laugh. " Yeah, I'm a total geek."

"Me too," I said. "Are you going to Midtown High?"

"Yeah, I will be for my last month of high school! Where are you going?"

" I'm starting courses at ESU in three months..."

MJ's face fell a bit. I wondered why... "Well Pete, it was nice meeting you! See ya 'round?"

I just laughed and held my hands up as I walked backwards to my house. Then I got ready for my interview.

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