Fight Scene (FINALLY!)

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I swung down Broadway, towards the loud wail of a police siren. The sounds and sights brought me back to five months ago...


"Peter Parker, where are you?!? Are those... are those sirens?"

"Um... no, no, not sirens. I'm, ah, stuck in traffic."

"Well, where are you? How far?"

"Ah... First & Broadway, Second & Broadway, Third & Broadway... five minutes. Ten minutes, tops."

"Hurry up! Love you!"

"You too."


The bank wall was completely demolished, and the gang members were heavily armed and providing a fight. I had to stop the fight, before anyone got seriously hurt.

Swinging into the bank, behind the gang members, I tapped one on the shoulder.

"Hello, are you a teller? I'd like to make a deposit, please..." 

He growled at me and lifted his gun. Executing a backflip, I slung a web at the gun and pulled it from his grasp, securing it far out of his reach on the ceiling.

The others shot at me, but that was futile. Ducking under their bullets, I made my right leg come down in a sweeping kick on the first mobster's head, and took the weapons of the rest.

Pushing off against the crook's face, I moved into an elbow to the jaw of the next man as I  swung my left leg around his head to knock out another one. The next two, I took out by slamming their heads together with web.

The last one stood again, and engaged me in a fistfight. Throwing a right hook/left jab/right jab combo, I easily dodged his attacks. "Steeeerike one," I said as I ducked below the hooking blow. "Steeeeeerike two," I said as I shifted to the side of the jab. "Steeeerike three! You're out!" I said, punching him hard across the jaw.

"Spider-Man!" A police captain ran up to me as I was planning to swing off. "Thank you for your help back there. I don't know what would've happened without you."

"Oh, anytime, sir," I said  with a jaunty salute. "Now I gotta fly. See ya 'round," I called, and swung into the night air.

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