Getting Coffee...

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I don't think I knew I could ever have fun again after... after... after Gwen. 

Then I met Mary Jane Watson.

I met her at the Starbucks on Spruce Street in Battery Park City. ((a/n REAL STARBUCKS)) We walked in to find the place nearly empty, and only one barista was still working. "One coffee. Black," I said, and collected my cup as I walked to a booth. After MJ put in her order, she joined me. 



"Mary Jane."


"Black coffee."


"Doctor Who."

"Star Wars."

"Star TREK," finally having found the upper hand. 

Taking a defeated sip of her coffee, MJ conceded in our battle. "I'm sorry. Star Trek wasn't and never will be better than Star Wars."

After spending far too long in the coffee shop, under the watchful eye of the barista and her green apron, MJ finally bade me good night and went to hail a cab.

I sat alone.

A tear ran down my cheek.

I liked her. A lot. In a way I didn't think I was capable of anymore.

I had a crush.

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