[1] dont do drugs, kids.

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[ Scarlet's POV ]

They say, 'don't do drugs, kids', and most of us, listen to that announcement that our officers, parents, and teachers drill into our heads, but not my stupid sister.

Sterling Harlan Wineheiser.

The eldest of the Winheisers, she was supposed to go onto to school and become a lawyer just like my father was. My parents saw a perfect daughter who had amazing grades, and blonde hair, and a body that was untouched and virgin. I saw the actual Sterling, the one who was failing English, has dyed her hair multiple time, the one with a septum, a tattoo, and had slept with multiple guys.

That was until Sterling Harlan Wineheiser was dead. I went to her funeral then was shipped off to live with my aunt. Derry, Maine was a lot more boring than California was. Different time zones too, and a lot colder, I had to basically get my aunt to buy me a whole new closet.

"Now, I have informed the school of your sister death, and even though it is the last day, I still think it will be good for you to go," My aunt, Meg, told me as she was making pancakes for breakfast. Meg was my mom's younger sister, and my mom always used to say how her and Meg's relationship reminded her of how Sterling and I used to be. The only difference now is well, Sterling is dead. Meg had moved up to Maine with her high school sweetheart right after high school, and then he left her for his secretary, and well, Meg just never really moved back.

"So, how's the old 'Fornia?" Meg sips on her coffe as she leans across the counter I was sitting at.

"Probably just as the same as when you were a teen," I told her, and she laughed to herself as she went to go put her coffee mug in the sink.

"You know, Melissa, your mom, is overreacting with how Sterling, you know, went out," Meg tells me. I cock my eyebrow at her, because I don't know how she can just say my mom is overreacting with my sisters death.

"I just mean, Lisse experimented with stuff like that back in her days, and I mean she shouldn't be mad at Sterling for it," Meg finishes as she looks over at the time, and grabs her car keys. "Time to go, come on, or we will be late,"

I followed her out of the door, and into her little car. The car ride to the high school was only of a five minute drive. I got out, and Meg told me to go to the front office to where they will give me my schedule for my first day of school, which technically, is also my last.

I walked into the school, and all of the kids stared at me like I was some sort-of monster entering their presence. I walked to the front office, and all the office ladies look at me.

"Scarlet Wineheiser?" A ladies voice rang from the front desk. Scarlet looked up, and walked towards the desk. The lady handed her a schedule that would only be useful for today.

I walked out of the office, and into my first period classroom to no one's surprise, we weren't doing anything.

"Everyone, this may sound weird, since it is the last day of school, but this is our new student, Scarlet Wineheiser," The teacher, which I think her name is Mrs. Lowe, said. The teens just stared at me weirdly before turning back to the conversations they were having before Mrs. Lowe interrupted.

"You can go sit in that empty seat right there," She pointed to the second row which was between a boy with a yarmulke, and a boy who was fidgeting his hands. 

I looked at both of the boys as I sat my bag down next to the floor. I sat in the chair, and just stared around at my surroundings.

"N-new to D-derry, huh?" I turned my head to my right to see the boy who was previously fidgeting with his hands. I nodded, and before I can ask his name, the boy on my left spoke up.

"Well of course, she's new to Derry, Bill, it's her first day, I'm Stan by the way," Stan said to me and Bill, who was now looking down at his desk in embarrassment.

We all sat there the rest of the class in silence, Bill and Stan occasionally chatting but not often. The bell rang, and I was off to my next period. The rest of the day was about the same. I was totally ready to be down with school.

I headed out of the building to see if my Aunt Meg was here yet, she was not. I turned over to the trash cans to see Bill, Stan, and two other boys dumping their schoolwork into the trash cans.

"S-S-Scarlet! C-co-come over h-here!" Bill waves her over. Since Aunt Meg was no where to be seen, Scarlet obliged and headed over to the boys.

"Hey Bill, Stan, and the two other boys," I said to the four boys.

"Billy, you didn't tell me you made friends with a hottie today," The boy with glasses bigger than his head exclaimed as he eyed me up and down.

"S-shut up, R-rich-richie," Bill stuttered as his face turned red. The boy, who was next to Richie looked at me.

"Sorry bout that, I'm Eddie, Eddie Kaspbrak," He introduces himself. Bill was about to say something when I heard a horn go off. I turned around to see my Aunt Meg.

"That's my cue," I told the boys, I started to walk towards Meg's car when Stan called me.

"Would you like to go to the Barons with us later?" I stared at him confused. What the hell were the Barons?


"What's your address?" Stan asks me again, I watch him as he eyes over to Bill. "146 Morgan Street,"

I finish my walk to my Aunt's car and got in the front seat. She started to drive and I waited for the question she was going to ask.

"Who were those boys? Are they your friends?" She asks me. I shrugged as I looked out the window. I guess they were my friends, since well, I didn't talk to anyone else.

"They invited me to do something with them... can I go?" I ask her, she nods as she pulls into the driveway of our house. I walk inside, and out my book bag down. I changed out of my school clothes and into some Jean shorts and a California t-shirt. Not so long after I changed my clothes, I heard my doorbell ring.

I DID IT FOR LOVE - B. DENBROUGHWhere stories live. Discover now