[5] the bloody bathroom

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[ Scarlet's POV ]

I heard my phone ring. I jumped at the sound as I was still pretty shaken up from yesterday. I picked it up, and it was Richie.

"Heyyy Scar Scar, Billy told me to ring you to tell you to go over to Beverly's house, it's an emergency, see y'a," He hung up before I could even get a word out. Luckily, my aunt had bought me a new bike as she saw my friends all had one, so I hopped on that and rode over to Beverly's apartment. I was the first one there since I lived the closest. Once she saw me she rushed down and hugged me. I hugged her back tightly.

"What's wrong?" I asked her and she looked all shook up. That's when we heard Eddie's voice and watched as the boys pulled up.

"I need to show you all something," Beverly tells us, Ben looks really worried as he asks, "what is it?"

"Is it more than we saw at the quarry?" Richie jokes and I glare at him. "Just shut up Richie!"

"Richie, be on lookout," Bill tells him as we all start running up the stairs to her apartment. Richie starts freaking out as he asks us what he should do.

"Do what you always do, start talking!" Stan tells him as he follows up behind me. "It is a gift,"

I followed closely behind Beverly and Bill was right next to me. I looked over to him for reassurance and he smiled.

"In there," Beverly pointed into her bathroom. We all looked at her with worry before we entered. She opened the door and her bathroom was painted with smelled and looked like blood all around. I gulped as I was scared of what I was seeing.

"My dad couldn't see it, I thought I might have been crazy," Beverly tells us. Ben then spoke up and said, "well if you're crazy, then we are all crazy,"

"We-we can't leave it like this," Bill says as he starts to walk in. Beverly grabbed us all cleaning supplies as we started scrubbing and washing the blood off her bathroom walls. Beverly walked out of her bathroom after she finished which just left Bill and I in there.

"You never been to Derry before?" He asks me as he smiled up at me as we cleaned the tub. I shook my head. "My aunt always came to California to visit,"

"So you never been to the summer fair then?" He asks me, and I shake my head as we both laugh. He started to tel me about this time he was there with Richie and won because he hit the target, and he didn't know what to pick.

He stopped talking as he looked up at me with awe. I pushed my hair behind my ear. I looked into his perfect blue eyes.

"Y-you kn-know, I can take you t-there, the f-fair," He shyly but his lip as he looked up at me. I smiled at him. "I'd like that Bill,"

"You know, that now makes you a loser, like one of us," He smiled at me. I smile as I shrugged. "Well, if I'm a loser, so be it."

"Guys! Cmon!" Beverly yells up at us which we leave the bathroom. We were all walking our bikes into town as Richie rode his around us.

"You know, I really like being the personal doorman, can you idiots have taken any longer?" He asked which was followed up with a bunch of 'shut up richies'

"Hey, I wasn't the one scratching the bathroom floor and imagining that her sink went all Eddie's mom's vagina on Halloween," Richie said and Bill spoke up saying, "she didn't imagine it,"

"I-I saw something too," Bill says which intrigued me because it reminded me of the Sterling situation last night. "You saw blood too?"

"Not blood, I-I saw ge-georgie," He stuttered which made my heart drop. "It seemed like it was him,"

"I know what you're talking about," I tell him which causes him to look over at me. "I saw my sister, Sterling. She seemed real, but she wasn't. She looked inhuman-," I was cut off my Eddie who just mumbled.

"The clown," We all looked at him. "Yeah, I saw him too," Eddie confessed which made all of our hearts dropped as we had no idea what we were dealing with here.

"Wait, can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?" We all go quiet as we all knew, even at sixteen, that Richie Tozier was still a virgin. We all looked into the distance to when Eddie spoke up again.

"Oh Shit, that's Belch Huggins car!" Eddie says and Richie suggest that we should get out of here until they spot Mike Hanlon, the homeschool kids, bike.

"We have to help him," I say to the group to which Richie looks at me weirdly. "We should?"

"Yes!" I dropped my bike and started heading my way over there as Beverly followed behind me with the guys not so far behind.

I walked up to the seen of the older boys torturing mike. My first instinct was to pick up a rock and throw it at one of them. "Nice throw,"

"Thanks," I reply back as the boys look up at me. I had saw I had hit the blonde mullet one right in his forehead as blood trickled down it. Mike scrambled over to where we were standing as we all picked up rocks.

"You loser are trying to hard, Beverly will do you if you ask nicely, and this one, heh, she'll also do you, just have to drug her up a bit," the mullet one says which makes me mad as my fist tightens into a ball around the rock I was carrying. Ben screams as he throws another rock at Henry's face. Beverly throws her rock as we all started throwing our rocks at them.

"ROCK WAR!" Richie yells as he gets hit smack dab in the face with a rock, causing him to tumble backwards. We all started throwing rocks at the gang of older boys as they soon ran away back into the woods which just left Henry Bowers as we all left.

I DID IT FOR LOVE - B. DENBROUGHWhere stories live. Discover now