[11] blood sacrifice

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[ Scarlet's POV ]

"I know what I'm doing for my summer experience essay," Richie comments as we all looked down the hole at which IT inhabited. Bill looked over at me before he pulled me in for a hug.

"Guys, guys," Eddie started as he broke up Bill and I's hug. "The kids are floating down,"

We all watched as all the kids floated down and onto the ground. I watched as Bill walked over to a bright yellow coat which was in the pile. He picked it up and Richie and I walked over to him. He started crying as we all comforted him. I hugged him from behind as I also put my hand around Richie. The rest of the losers came behind me as hugged Bill as he sobbed into Georgie's raincoat.

[ September, Scarlet's POV ]

"Hey Billy, haven't seen you in a long while," I pulled my boyfriend into a hug, and kissed his cheek. Junior year was about to start in less than a week, and my parents had just left to go back to California. They had brought me some of Sterling's old stuff, and in the midst, they had found a lot of letters address to me, that I never got. I haven't read them yet, but figured I would pretty soon.

"H-how was y-your parents?" he asked me as he intertwined my hand with his. Bill had asked me to be a girlfriend a few days after we defeated IT. It had been a dream ever since.

"Eh, same ole, just how every strict parent is." I told him as we arrived to the field we were supposed to meet the rest of the Losers at. It was a beautiful field, and now everything was at peace. Beverly had called this meeting, and we all sat around in a circle.

"I can only remember parts," She started as she looked at all of us. "I thought I was dead, that's what it felt like, I saw all of us back together in the cistern, but we were older, like our parents ages."

"W-what were we all doing there?" Bill looked towards Beverly, not letting go of my hand. Richie was next to me as he also looked at Bev.

"I just remember how we felt, how scared we were, I don't think I can ever forget that," Beverly told us as she looked down at her shoes. I watched as Bill picked up a large glass shard off the ground and let go of my hand to stand up.

"Swear it," He said to all of us. "Swear if IT isn't dead, if IT ever comes back, we will come back too," He tells us with the glass shard in his hand. I stood up and so did Beverly. The rest of the losers stood up after us. I watched as Bill went first and cut his hand. I watched as the red blood oozed out of my boyfriends hand as he took my hand and cut it slightly, enough to make blood come out, but not enough for stitches. He went around the rest of the losers as he cut their hands as well. I watched as the blood oozed out of my hand as I linked hands with Bill and Richie.

We all stood in a circle, confirming the blood sacrifice. Stan interrupted it saying he had to go.

"I hate you," He said as he smiled at us causing a laugh out of the group. "I'll see you all around,"

One by one the rest of the group left. Richie and Eddie. Mike. Then Ben left leaving Beverly, Bill, and me.

"I'm going to miss you," I said as I took her into my arms hugging her. "I'm going to miss you too Scarlet, promise to stay in touch?"

"Of course! You're like the first real girl friend I've ever had!" I told her as she laughed. She was a bit taller than I. She looked behind me and gave Bill a hug. He asked her if she was all packed for Portland.

"Hey Scarlet, make sure Bill doesn't get into anymore trouble, and keep him out of crackhead houses!" She laughs as she walks away. I laugh as well as Bill hugs me from behind and started attacking me with kisses on my neck and cheek.

I turned around to looked at him and his blue eyes. His blue eyes I saw on the first day of the last day of school. The blue eyes I would never forget in a million years. The blue eyes I fell in love with.

I felt as his warm lips placed them against mine. I kissed him back, eagerly. He ran his hand through my hair, and then we broke the kiss, staring at each other.

"For love, huh?" I looked at him as I ruffled his hair. He looked back down at me. The way I've never seen anyone look at me before. I found someone who loved me the same way I loved him. He pushed my hair back behind my ears.

"I did it for love Scarlet, I did it because I love Georgie, I did it because I love the losers as if they were my family, and lastly, I did it because well I love you" He said and I cupped hid face in my hands and pulled him down for another kiss. Our noses bumped into each other as we broke the kiss, giggling.

"Let's go back to my house, Denbrough," I whispered at him. He smiled against my lips as he whispered into them.

"Lead the way Wineheiser,"

The End...

(There will be a sequel out called Dear Scarlet, out soon if you like this book! I'm sorry it was so short but I wanted to stick to the plot and to finish it I didn't want to make many filler chapters! Dear Scarlet, will follow her and the losers through their junior year so stay tuned!)

I DID IT FOR LOVE - B. DENBROUGHWhere stories live. Discover now