[4] the quarry

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[ Scarlet's POV ]

I woke up the next morning, and immediately put on a sundress over my bra and Panties. I waited anxiously for the doorbell to ring and as soon as it did, I left the house. The ride to the quarry was nice, and when we got there we all stripped. I could've sworn I saw Bill looking over at me, but I may have just been making stuff up.

I watched as the boys play a spitting game before I pushed through them and jumped in. I looked up at them as they all squinted their eyes down at me.

"Come on it!" I yelled up to them. That's when I saw them move out of the way and I watched as Beverly flew down into the water. I smiled at her as she popped up.

"Love the hair," I commented, she thanked me as we watched the rest of the boys jumped down into the water.

We all played in the water for a bit before Richie yelled for a chicken fight. Eddie got on his shoulders and Bill swam over to me.

"Be my partner?" I smiled as he went under and I got on top of his shoulders. I felt myself blush as he gripped onto my thighs. Luckily, no one saw.

He walked over to where Eddie and Richie were and as Stan reffed. I started pushing Eddie to try and get him off Richie's shoulders.

"Grip harder Bill!" I yelled and Richie, the trash mouth, of course started laughing. "Bill, g-grip, harder," which ultimately led to their loss as Richie lost control of Eddie.

"Richie, what the fuck?" Eddie questioned before Richie jumped on top of him. I watched as Beverly was over with Ben. I looked over at Bill, who looked back over at me. I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

We soon got out of the water and Richie turned on his boom box. Beverly and I were tanning and as the boys thought we couldn't see their stares, we most definitely could.

"Bill definitely has his eyes on you," Beverly whispered into my ear which made my stomach fill with butterflies. I smiled as I whispered that Ben is making googily eyes at her. She laughed quietly as we sat and listened.

Bev and I sat up when Richie started digging through Ben's book bag asking him about his history project or whatever he had going on. Beverly nudged me to go and sit by Bill which I did. I peered over his shoulder to look at all of the pictures he had in his hand. He looked up at me in it almost seemed like awe.

"Your hair is beautiful, Beverly," Ben comments towards Beverly. I watch as she slightly touches it and thanks him. I smirked at her which she just brushed off.

"This town is not like anything I've ever been in before, the disappearances are like six times the national average, and that's just adults, kids are way worse," Ben tells us and we all look down at our feet. I felt a shiver go down my spine as it seemed everything went quiet, too quiet. Ben invited us to his house, and this time I rode on the back of Beverly's bike.

We all followed Ben into his house, Ben and Eddie were arguing infront of me as I walked in behind them.

"Wow," Richie comments.

"Cool huh?" Ben smiles widely. Richie furrows his eyebrows. "No, nothing cool," I listen as Richie continues to drive Ben saying 'Nerd Alert' and other mean things.

I sat over where Bill was and we listened to Ben talk about the disappearance of the charter camp. I looked over at him, who looked uneasy.

"You know, my sister, she would've loved to read about all of this, she was always a true crime enthusiast," I smiled as I realized Bill's face dropped. I then remember I had never mentioned my sister to Bill or anyone.

"Where is she now?" He questioned as he probably already knew the answer. "Overdose, last month."

"I-I'm s-s-sorry," He stuttered out, and I shook it off. I told him she was in a better place now as we continued to listen to Bill.

"W-where was the well house?" He asked Ben as he put something down. I walked over to where Beverly was, feeling a little awkward after Bill and I's interaction. "I don't know, somewhere in town, I guess, why?"

"Nothing," Bill shrugged. After Ben's we all decided we'd just go home, since it was getting late. I had walked home, and it seemed like my aunt was at her job.

I was upstairs in my room as a vinyl that I had gotten from Sterling was playing when I heard something shatter from out in the hallway.

"Aunt Meg?" I called out, wondering if she had gotten home early. There was no response. I heard the floorboards creek. I got up out of my bed and walked to the door. I poked my head around the corner and saw my sister, Sterling.

"Scarlet," She whispered at me. I stared in disbelief at her, wondering why and how she was here. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"S-Sterling?" I stuttered out as I watched her walk closer to me. Her head was cocked in a inhuman position.

"Come on, take the pills, you'll float down here," She told me. I was confused as tears rolled down my face. "Go away!"

"Come Scarlet, you'll float, you'll float, you'll float," Her voice become more demonic as she started chanting you'll float. "GO AWAY!" I screamed as I slammed my door and locked it shut. I started crying and crying and didn't stop until my aunt had came home. I had told her I was just missing Sterling but that was far from the truth. I was in fact scared of Sterling and whatever the hell that thing was in the hallway.

I DID IT FOR LOVE - B. DENBROUGHWhere stories live. Discover now