ENHYPEN&Hi EP 3 (Part 5)

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"50 jumps, let's go!" I cheered and held the end of the rope with Sunghoon on the opposite end. "50 after everyone enters" Heeseung told us. "We can do it! Don't let your guard down!" Jay cheered. "Don't let your guard down!" He repeated.

"Turn consistently to the same rhythm. As consistently as possible" Jake told Sunghoon. "Start!" The producer said as Sunghoon and I started turning the rope. "I'll go as quickly as possible" Ni-Ki said and ran into the swinging rope.

Right after him, Jungwon followed, then Jay and Jake. Lastly, Sunoo and Heeseung. We all counted together as they every once in a while yelled it was too fast, but I tried to ignore it because I was going my pace.

"It's too fast!" Sunghoon complained. "It gets faster and faster!" Jay exclaimed. The producer then adjusted it to only 40 jumps. "Can we do 30?" I asked as I handed the rope to Heeseung. "No, 40!" They told me as I groaned and walked into line with the others.

After switching people out so many times, I wanted to give up. "I have never jumped this much in my life. And I was a volleyball player!" I shouted and laid on the ground. "20?" The staff asked. "Let's go with 20!" Heeseung said. "Oh, please 20!" I begged and got off the ground.

"Give up or do 20?" The staff asked again. "We'll do 20!" Jungwon told them. "We can do 30, right?" Sunghoon asked. "No, we'll do 40" They started saying. I stared at all of them in disbelief. "Huh?!" Ni-ki gasped.

"Just do 30, please!!" Jay begged them. "Let's do 20!" I begged. "They said we can do 20, so we are doing 20!" I whined. "Let's do 40" Sunghoon said. "30" The staff said. "Then let's do 20" Heeseung suddenly said.

Okay, now I'm confused. What on earth are we doing now? "No, 30!" Sunghoon and Jungwon started to say. I guess we've decided it's 30. "20, with care" Jake told us. I'm just going to stop when we're told to. After everyone ran in, I ran in last as we all counted together.

I held onto Sunoo's shoulders and continued jumping. "30!" We all shouted as we all stopped and cheered. "I'm so tired!" Jake said and held his arm. "This is hard" Sunghoon said. "This is so tiring" Jungwon said.

"I'm so hot" I said and took off Jay's jacket. Jay took the jacket from me and handed it to a staff member as we all got into line to get the next game going.

"Should we do the last game?" Heeseung asked. "Let's go!" Jungwon said. "1, 2, 3" Heeseung counted. "En's Get it!" We all cheered together. "Who said 'Let's go'." Jungwon chuckled.

"1, 2, 3" I counted out. "En's Get it!" We all cheered. I was the last person to go after Heeseung and all I had to do was a cartwheel all the way to Jay. "Challenge accepted!" Jay said. Jay missed his first birdie hit into the basket. "Relax, Jay" I said. Right after I said that, he hit it into the basket and Ni-Ki started.

"2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!" Jungwon and Sunoo counted. Jungwon picked up the tissue box and set it on his finger as he balanced it. "4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10" Sunoo and Ni-Ki counted together as Jungwon set down the tissue box.

As soon as he set down the tissue box, Sunghoon started to do his elephant nose. "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10" Jungwon counted. Sunghoon stopped spinning and walked over to the table to start stacking the cups up.

"Sunghoon, you can do it, you really can!" Sunoo cheered as he got ready to shoot with the water gun. "Try spraying it next to him" Jake told Sunoo. "Okay, go!" Jungwon cheered as Sunoo aimed the water gun and shot the cups all down.

Jake flicked the coin up and caught it as he and Heeseung cheered. I stared the water bottle down because all we needed was him to complete his task. "Just this!" Sunghoon cheered. Heeseung flipped it and it landed for a second, then just toppled over.

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