Chapter 13 - Anima

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anima: soul, spirit

"Asgards history with the Reality Stone is complicated," Thor began, the two of you finally making it over the bridge, now making your way to the grandiose castle that housed your lost family.

"Malekith tormented our people for centuries, however not in the current form you wield it in. It was liquified and called the Aether, and Malekith and the dark elves intended to use it to convert the universe into a perpetual state of darkness. Jane, my," Thor paused, and you could feel the longing radiating off him.

"She is, was, my girlfriend. From Earth. She came into contact with the Aether, and it nearly killed her. Humans cannot withstand the powers of the Infinity Stones, liquified or solid."

"That was our first clue," you interjected, "that something was out of the ordinary. When I acquired the Stone, there was no change to my health or wellbeing, rather, it amplified it."

He nodded. "Your true self was finally being recognized. No magic or spells can withstand the power of the Stones."

Walking side by side, the two of you continued on for a few moments before you broke the silence.

"What happened with Jane?"

Thor inhaled sharply, causing you to almost retract your question before he answered.

"Having a long-distance relationship didn't work for us."

"Having entire planets between people tends to do that, unfortunately."

He scoffed, "Your wit has not dimmed, has it?"

"Living with Stephen for the last month or so has kept me on my toes. Learned from the best, I suppose."

"Well thank the gods, because Loki has become agitated with the lack of 'intelligence', he says, in Asgard. Although he won't admit it, he is excited to see you again. You left a bigger impact than you believe." Thor began to swing Mjolnir, causing a gust of wind to tackle into you. He extended out a muscular arm. "This is taking too long. Grab on."

Latching your arm around his, he tucked you securely against his body, and you felt the ground start to fall away from your feet as Mjolnir lifted the two of you.


Instantly, he halted his weapon, the ground returning beneath you. "I wanna try something," you said, and, with a hand on his hip, giving you a look that screamed what the fuck are you doing?

"Well, this always ends well," Thor mumbled, and you flipped him off, starting to really feel comfortable around him, feeling truly like a brother.

"Well, one ability that comes with the Reality Stone is teleportation. I've never tried it before, but now's as good a time as any, right?" You gave him your most convincing smile, and the god huffed.

"You're gonna kill us all. If you break something, I'm blaming you, Meili." Your arms were still linked, and your muscles flexed as you concentrated on teleporting the two of you. You felt the rush of power go through you, but it was stagnant, waiting for your command. You were shouting in your mind, trying to make it move, but they were still.

"You look like you're taking a shit." Thor's voice interrupted your concentration, and you lightly slapped his arm, him giving you an exaggerated wince in return. "You wound me, sister."

"You'll be fine," you lightly snapped, refocusing your mind. "Now hush."

You chose to ignore Thor's mocking faces, and you used every fiber of your power to transport the two of you to the base of the castle. A rush of air blew past your face as the ground broke away, but your excitement was cut off by the ground coming in closer and closer to your face.

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