Chapter 6 - Agitato

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agitato - agitated; restless

Stephen had been tracking Kaecilius for a week, but every time he thought he had the upper hand Kaecilius would be gone. He was getting frustrated, ready to just give up the chase. Until he heard where Kaecilius was heading next.

New York City. Where the Reality Stone was being auctioned off.

That made him laugh; the most dangerous thing in the universe, the Infinity Stones, was being auctioned off. People really had no idea what they were messing with.

So he continued the chase, heading back to his hometown. Back to where you were. He'd been living in the Sanctum Sanctorum for a few months now, and he knew now was the time to make an appearance, to talk to you even if you despised him. He needed to make sure you were alive and well.

While in Kamar-Taj training under the Ancient One, he began to reflect on his past mistakes, the majority of them being mistakes he made with you. Although he was still an egotistical bastard, he learned from his mistakes. He knew he fucked up, and it wouldn't surprise him if you never forgave him.

The night of the auction he had portaled up to the second floor, staying out of sight until the time came, and to keep a lookout for Kaecilius.

He wasn't fully prepared to see you here.

You were wearing a beautifully tailored suit that was nearly the same color as his cloak. It hugged your body perfectly, and you radiated confidence as you walked across the room, cello in hand.

And when you turned around, you nearly killed him. You had a semi-sheer corset that left little to the imagination, and he sucked in a breath, taken aback by your beauty.

His cloak gave him a shove, as if saying keep it in your pants, dude.

"Shut up," he said to it, and he swore he felt it laugh as it retreated back to a normal cloak.

Then he saw him. Kaecilius. He was approaching you, and Stephen began to feel rage surging up inside him.

Stephen never wanted to see that look on your face again after Kaecilius started talking to you. It was a mix of disgust and pure terror, and it took everything in Stephen's willpower to not go down there and help you.

He watched you gesture to your instrument, and Kaecilius backed off. Stephen let out a sigh of relief, sinking down to the ground. It was gonna be a while, so he might as well sit. All the doors were locked, so he didn't have to worry about anyone walking up on him.

So he sat there, waiting for the right moment.


It took nearly two hours. Stephen nearly lost his goddamn mind. He listened intently when you played, but after that, he was zoning in and out, bored of watching rich people throw away money for meaningless items.

He probably would've been down there if the accident never happened. He had changed a lot, he felt like. He no longer craved validation from material goods and wealth status, and he began to see the world differently.

He began to see the world how you did: abstractly.

His attention went back to you, and he saw you fidgeting in your chair. Maybe you were getting antsy like he was? You seemed to be in pain, however, and Stephen stood up, starting to feel concerned for you. Was Kaecilius doing something to you?

You were staring at something on stage, but all he could see was a glowing red box.

Fuck. The Reality Stone.

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