Andrew Emma For Life And Beyond!❤️

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This is not a chapter. Just my views on how angry I am at hearing these stupid rumors.


It's almost been a month since we heard the rumors about Andrew and Emma splitting up. The second I read it, tears started forming in my eyes. But I waited for sometime for everything to be okay. Of course I didn't believe them. I wished and I prayed everyday for them to get together again.

I read a week ago that Andrew cheated on Emma. Are you freaking kidding me? He is the most perfect partner anyone can ever have. The way he looks at her, the way he takes care of her, the way they hold hands and take strolls out in NYC, who would have thought that the cutest couple in the whole goddamn world would one day won't be together any more?

All those who are believing these rumors are all dumb. You need to be confident enough to say that Andrew and Emma cannot be separated. NEVER!

It must be their work load that's keeping them apart from each other for sometime. You can't just jump off to the conclusion that 'it's over between them'. And to say that Andrew cheated on Emma with a one-night stand? Bullshit. That's certainly not possible.

If I could, I would suck out the souls of those bloody reporters who are writing all this. Andrew has been in Taiwan for a long time now and just because Emma is seen alone on the streets does not mean that they aren't together anymore. Give them a break dude. Once Andrew gets back, everything will fall back into place.

Don't you remember Gwen's speech from The Amazing Spider Man 2? She said, "Hold on to hope. Keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer. You msut become hope. People need that. And even if we fail, what better way is there to live?"

This speech of hers has inspired me alot. So guys, please, don't lose that hope. I've been crying for the past one month and every song that I listen to reminds me of them. But I still believe that we will get back our EmDrew StoneField. We haven't heard anything from them yet. Let us wait for what they have to say. And trust me, everything is going to be okay. I know it.

All that you you have seen, read or heard that Emma has come back to LA or she was horrified when she found out that Andrew betrayed her, please do not believe them. Flush them out of your minds. She cannot be completely alone, can she? So if she takes a trip to Disneyland or goes to her family then it's alright. Everyone goes for trips, visit their families.

I fell in love with Andrew and Emma the very minute I saw them together in the trailer of The Amazing Spider Man. And I know it very well that no person, no supernatural power can separate them. It's hard to swallow all this rubbish. Whenever you feel sad thinking that they are not together anymore, just take a look at any one of their pictures that you have, and that will bring a big, wide smile on your face. I've tried that and it has worked every time.

And once I start looking at one picture, I keep on looking at the others. And I feel so contended. Try it. You'll feel better.

There's a humble request that I have, DO NOT BELEIVE IN THESE RUMORS.

You need to stay strong, you need to be with Emdrew Stonefield.

Because it's....


We know they love each other alot. And they will always do.


I will be updating the next chapter after the 8th of May because I have my Unit Tests.

Sorry but I can't help it. ;)

But as soon as they get over, the chapter would be on its way.

Thank you. Keep reading and keep voting.

And don't forget, Stay strong for EmDrew StoneField.

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