Chapter 5

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I'm not sure whether you guys will like this chapter. I tried to make it as interesting as I could.
The song above is 'I Won't Mind', Zayn Malik's solo. I've uplaoded this because whenever I listen to this song, it reminds me of Andrew and Emma. And I cry everytime I listen to it.
Hope you enjoy reading the chapter.


Emma's POV

"You look amazing when you blush, Em."



Did he actually called me 'Em'?

How? Why? I mean it's okay to call me that, but hearing it from his mouth, it just sounded so great. It actually felt good. No one had ever called me Em. Not even my Mom. It was like listening to a new word in your English class. And of course, the best part is, he said it. I had never thought that he will call me by a nickname. I could feel my cheeks' heat. It felt very soothing in his arms. It felt like....wait! His arms?

Shoot! He still had his hands around my waist. I was having a tingling sensation down my spine. Maybe he noticed the worried expression on my face because he suddenly said to saying,"Oh, I'm sorry." His grip loosened as I slowly moved away from him. I am not at all a shy girl. I'm over friendly with people actually. Make me sit in front of anyone and I'll go on blabbing. But I can't figure out what strikes me when I'm with him. I mean, he's no Tom Cruise, right? Though I think he's not anything less than that.

But the point is, I'm not in my senses when we're together, I'm more of an absent-minded person around him. I turned around slowly and realized we were surrounded by a huge crowd clicking our pictures. And there was the paparazzi. They were shouting at the top of their voices asking us questions.

"Emma, are you and Andrew seeing each other?"asked one.

Excuse me?

"Oh my god! It's Andrew Garfield," I could hear girls sqealing.

I know, he's incredible right?

"Andrew, for how long have you two been dating?"questioned the other.

Hello, we are not dating.

"Emma look here."

"Andrew can I please have an autograph?"

"Andrew look to your left." " No, look right."



Shut up you idiots!

I suddenly felt a hand around my waist. "Come on." Andrew said pushing me forward and we started walking towards his car, ignoring the pile of questions. But they were paparazzi right? The reporters kept following us. Ugh! I wish I could just shove all of them away. It was so embarrassing. The flashes of cameras were striking right into my eyes. I glanced at Andrew who was trying to get of their questions too. But that didn't make us stop from walking.

Phew! We reached his car and he opened the door for me. I got in the passenger's seat and immediately shut the door. There was flash, flash, flash everywhere. I hear the door besid me open and Andrew got inside. He immediately started the engine and drove off.

Bye, bye suckers. I lead an evil laugh in my mind.

Andrew and I weren't dating each other. We did hang out with each other on the sets but we didn't like each other in that way. We couldn't, could we? No, obviously not. Those shutterbugs must have gone crazy.

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