Chapter 6

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There's Drakey.

I wake up instantly as the ringtone on my phone sounds. It's the middle of the night and I quickly cut the ringing off by answering it. The screen reads "Dad" so I know it's someone from the Office.


"Hello, Sarra, how are you?" It's HK.

"I'm tired. Why did you call me in the middle of the night?"

"Your mother and I are in Europe, remember?" He never told me, so I play along, searching for whatever secret message he has to give me.

"Oh, yeah. Why did you have to go without me though?" I whisper a complaint.

"You were the one who insisted on going to your 'spy school'."

"It's not 'spy school'."

"Fine. Are they treating you okay?" How are you?

"Yeah." They haven't found me out yet. "The food is really delicious." The food is horrible. "I miss mom's cooking." I miss the Office.

"Well, we might see you soon. When is that break happening?" I'm going to see them during the break.

"In about four weeks. That's when they cut half of the people. I'm near the top, so you don't have to worry." Everything is going perfectly.

"Maybe you could come to Europe then. The whole family's here." They moved locations from Korea to somewhere in Europe.

"That would be great."

"There's also something else."


"There's another family like ours here." Another criminal organization? "They have a kid about your age. I haven't seen them. You might run into them." Another kid agent. A rival organization. Great.

"Send me a picture when you see them." Tell me what you know when you find out more. "They're in Europe?"

"Yeah. We're having some fun with them." Fighting over territory. Just what we need. "Do you want to talk to your mom or are you too tired?" Goodbye.

"I'm tired. I'll talk to her another time." Bye.

"Okay. I love you, honey, stay safe. Goodnight." HK does not sound good calling me "honey".

I roll my eyes. "Bye, dad. Love you too." I hang up. I set the phone down after checking the time, 1:20. I realize I can't fall asleep, so I decide to get up. I make sure the three of them are still asleep as I quietly open the door and close it again behind me.

I walk down the hall. If I'm found, I can say I sleep-walked. I walk slowly, looking around. The hall is silent, empty, and dark. I make my way to the gymnasium, assuming each door I come across to be locked, but they aren't. I hear the sounds of fists hitting a punching bag before I enter and, by the sound of the heavy breathing, assume the person is Jonathan.

I walk in silently and, sure enough, see Jonathan punching the heavy cylinder hanging from the ceiling. He sees me and stops. "Hey. You're awake?"

"No. I'm sleep-walking. Keep punching your life away."

He laughs at my joke and I smile when he does. Smiling is becoming more natural for me and I hate it. "Well I can't do it with an audience."

"Why not? I can be quiet."

"No. I'm done anyway." He starts removing the cloth from around his hands.

"What were you doing?" He was obviously practicing.

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