Chapter 6

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After the closet incident, Stiles began to distance himself from Alec. He rested on his own and learned to maintain a heathy sleeping schedule and eating routine. Jace started mentoring him more often. Two weeks in, Stiles received a permanent weapon and stele. He and Izzy became parabatai's, and he began going on missions with the others to get used to fighting real threats, and, after a full month, the Clave and everyone else in the institute recognized him as an official shadowhunter.

The boys skin was decorated with dozens of different tunes, and he began to wear more basic clothing. He was usually seen in baggy black pants, dark colored t-shirts, and boots. He seemed like a totally different person but that was just appearance wise. He was still the same sarcastic and loyal person he's always been.

Clary was able to create a rune that gave Stiles a temporary mind block. It was like his brain was surrounded by an invisible shield that prevented any supernatural being from entering his mind. The rune only lasted on its own for a few hours, so Stiles was forced to redraw it multiple times throughout the day, but it was better then not having anything.

"Please tell me you've come up with a plan," Jace said while leaning against the wall.

Him, Stiles, Alec, Izzy, and Clary had all gathered in the Ops Center to discuss what their next move was. Now that Stiles was an official shadowhunter, their was no point in waiting anymore.

"I've got something," Stiles replied. "In order to figure out what went wrong with trapping the nogitsune, I've gotta talk to Kira's mother, but, if I just show up after a month of being gone, they're gonna be the ones asking questions. I just gotta get her to tell me with no questions asked."

"If we all go she'll tell us without a second thought," Izzy said. "We're known for being very ruthless."

"I don't want them knowing about you. At least not yet," Stiles stated while shaking his head. "The sooner they know about you, the sooner they realize there's more behind all of this. I wanna go on my own. Besides, once they see how much I've changed I doubt they'll mess around."

"Are you willing to put a blade through your friends' mother to get information?" Jace asked.

"Maybe. Maybe not. That doesn't matter though because I know I'm willing to put a blade through the one person who'd be willing to take me to the Nemeton with some convincing," Stile said while thinking back to his days in Beacon Hills.

"And who's that?" Clary spoke.

"Peter Hale," Stiles began while leaning on the table in the middle of the room. "He and pretty much every other person in Beacon Hills have a love-hate relationship. He doesn't care what anyone else does as long as it's in his favor. If I can't get the information I need out of Kira's mom, then I'll find him."

"And what happens if that doesn't work out?" Jace asked.

Stiles shrugged and said, "Then I'll call you guys." He glanced at Alec, who hadn't said a word since he entered the room. "Until then," he added, "you guys stay here keep things normal. I'll be back as soon as I can."

Stiles shared a few quick hugs with Jace, Clary, and Izzy. When he turned to Alec, he saw the older shadowhunter in his same slouched position. His arms were crossed over his chest, and he struggled to avoid making eye contact.

Still, Stiles made his way over his Alec and pushed himself into his toes, hugging the taller male around his neck. Alec was a bit taken back considering the two had barely talked after the closet situation, but be still returned the hug. He circled his muscular arms around the brunettes waist and squeezed him tightly.

"I'll see you soon..." Stiles whispered before stepping back.

"Yeah.." Alec replied quietly. He watched as Stiles sent the others a quick wave before walking out of the room.

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