Chapter 18

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Please read the note at the end!

"You need to get rid of my runes," Stiles said as they entered the loft. He slipped off his jacket before pulling his shirt over his head.

"Are we not gonna talk about what just happened?" Jay asked, tossing her coat aside.

"We did," Stiles replied, "and now we're talking about getting rid of my runes. As long as I have them, they'll keep coming after me."

"Okay, then stop stripping for us, there's children, and let's do this," Jay said, and Stiles eyed her, irritated with her response. "If they find this place, we're done. This is all we have."

"Alright," Stiles sighed, scanning his runes. "We have to burn them, so we can't do every one at once or else I'll die from heat exposure."

Jay turned to Ana and placed a hand on her shoulder, saying, "Can you do this? If not, we'll find a torch or something."

"I'll do it," Ana said in a quiet voice, which prompted Jay to look at Stella and say, "You'll cool the wounds when we're done."

Stella nodded.

Jay guided Stiles over to his makeshift bed and laid him down. Anastasia kneeled down, extended her hand, and ignited a ball of fire in her palm.

"Ready?" Jay asked.

"Not really," Stiles said, "but we don't have a choice."

"Okay, Ana, you're up," the woman said, patting the younger girls back.

As the elementals hand neared one of the runes on his stomach, Stoles shot his hand out and gently grabbed her wrist, saying, "wait."

"What?" Ana questioned, and Stiles fell silent for a moment. This was the first word she had said directly to him since they met. He hoped that was a good thing.

"Do this one first," he said, guiding her hand to his shoulder where his parabatai rune was. Ana nodded before igniting the flame more and pressing her palm against his shoulder.

Stiles gritted his teeth so hard that he was sure they would fall out, but he couldn't scream. That would attract attention, and that was the one thing they didn't need any more of.

Jay watched in wonder as the black tattoo sent sparks into the air as it slowly dissolved, leaving nothing but red, hot skin behind.

"Dammit," Stiles cursed as Ana lifted her hand. Stella quickly used her ice powers to sterilize the burn, cooling his red skin.

"Why that one first?" Jay suddenly asked, and Stiles looked up at her.

"It's my parabatai rune," the boy began. "It means I'm bounded to another shadowhunter. She can feel my pain, so by getting rid of this rune, hopefully, everyone will think I'm dead."

"And if they don't?" Jay questioned.

Stiles sighed, leaning his head back as he replied with, "then I guess we're moving."


"You're boyfriend is a psychopath!" Maryse boomed as she entered the Ops room where the others, those being her children, Jace, Clary, Simon, and the kids from Beacon Hills, were gathered.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Izzy questioned.

"He took a man's head off right in front of me," Maryse snapped. "He's a killer."

"You're lying," Lydia accused, and Maryse did nothing but glare at her.

"Mom, Stiles wouldn't kill someone," Alec said.

"I saw what I saw," Maryse said, "and don't tell me otherwise. He was with these other people too. A blonde woman and two young girls. I didn't recognize them."

"This is all messed up," Jace said, looking at Alec. "What did he tell you again? Up in the loft."

Alec sighed, saying, "He said 'maybe it would be easier if I was the villain.' He ranted about how it would just make everything easier if he was the bad guy all along."

"Well, I wouldn't rule it out," Maryse said.

"Mom!" Izzy exclaimed.

Searching for Stiles has been very time consuming and stressful. Alec has been slacking every since Stiles went rogue, while Izzy, Jace, Clary, and Simon are determined to find him. The pack has fallen into a type of group depression. On top of that, Derek was still missing, and Peter wasn't helping.

"Where was he last?" Scott asked.

"Nevada," Maryse began. "After killing that man, they escaped through the window of the apartment building they were in and ran off."

"So let's assume he's still in Nevada," Clary said. "If they were in an apartment building, they can't be living too far from it. Plus, there's not many places to lay low in Nevada. If we take into consideration all the abandoned buildings within a five mile radius of whatever apartment they were at, we may be able to pinpoint their location."

"How about taking into consideration the fact that Stiles doesn't want to be found," Maryse said, crossing her arms. "He ran from us," she added before looking at her son, "ran from you. Isn't that enough evidence that he doesn't want anything to do with us?"

"Then why we're you out trying to bring him back?" Alec questioned, angry growing inside him. He loved his mother, he did, but, sometimes, he also wanted to strangle her.

"Bring him back?" Maryse replied. "We weren't trying to bring him back. We were trying to strip him of his runes, but after seeing what he's done, it seems the more reasonable solution would be to just kill him."

"You are not killing Stiles," Alec said sternly, and his narrowed her eyes in frustration.

"You are not in charge here," Maryse responded. "Stiles hasn't just gone rouge, he's also broken the code he swore to when he became a shadowhunter. We kill demons, not humans, even those who are cruel. When he is found, he will not just have his runes taken away. He will be killed. End of discussion-"

The woman was silenced when Izzy cried out. The girl clutched her shoulder as she screamed in pain, collapsing against the nearest person, which happened to be Simon.

"Izzy!" Alec shouted, abandoning the argument with his mother and rushing over to his sister.

"What's wrong?" Jace questioned.

Izzy didn't respond and instead pulled down the collar of her shirt to reveal her parabatai rune, which, to everyone's dismay, was slowly fading away.

"No.." Alec whispered, brushing his fingers over the rune as it disappeared.

"No what?" Malia asked, raising her voice. "What's going on!"

"Well," Maryse began, clearing her throat. "I guess fate agreed with me. That's all the proof we need."


A/N - okay, I know it's short. Like really short 💀 but future chapters will be longer I promise. Speaking of future chapters, there will be between 10 and 12 more chapters of this book depending on if I decide to split some of the longer chapters in half. Since this book will be coming to an end soon I figured you guys could help me figure out which one of my stories I should publish next since there's a few to debate between, which are:







If you wanna know any more about any of these books them just comment and I'll post a summary of them. See ya in the next part!

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