showing off in Camelot

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Arthur came out of my room with a straight face, but I could see through his mask, underneath he was afraid and concerned of his decision. if he made one that is.

I was scared as well. knowing that his decision can seal my fate.

either he helps my people-my friends- and finds out who I truly am, or he doesn't help them and my secret remains untold. I didn't know which one I wanted. I wanted my people to have their rightful ruler back, I want people to see me for who I am, not just the scared servant.

But, im also scared of how Arthur and many of my friends would act if-and when- they found out my secret. I wouldn't want them to be scared of me just because I have magic. these are the moments when I wish my father were here. sure I have Gaius with me, but its somehow not the same.

Arthur came and stood in front of me. ''I have made my decision'' he said, his tone wavering in uncertainty. ''I will stick to my word of helping Mieldor, even if their king is a sorcerer" he nodded at me slightly. "warlock" I corrected him, I don't know why, but I did.

"what?" he said, confused at what I just said. "their king is a warlock, not a sorcerer" I said proudly. "oh ya? and what's the difference?" he asked, with slight amusement in his voice. " a sorcerer practices magic and the magic can fade away if not used in a while, a warlock is born with magic in their veins, and it dose not go away, even if you want it too" I said muttering the last part. its not that I want my magic to go away, its just that sometimes I need to know that im not a monster, and getting ride of my magic would help me with that.

"how do you know that?" Arthur asked, clearly bewildered. "Im smarter then I look sire" I said with a grin, "maybe not as smart as I would like to be, but still smart" I looked at him, and he had happiness in his eyes, which, considering the situation at hand, was rare. "right, cause I can believe that" he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes at him.

these were the moments when I was happy to be alive. when I was at the same level as Arthur, acting as if we were just to normal ranked friends. I wish it could be like this all the time, but sadly, he has to be a prat.

Arthur straitened up before saying, "come on Merlin, I would like to see what the knights can do", he walked out the door and to the training grounds. luckily he was in his armour from before and I didn't have to clean it and all that kind of stuff. "i already know what they can do" I muttered following Arthur to see my knights in action once more. I was truly excited to see what they have learnt since my departure.


once we made it to the training grounds, we found that the knights were already there, warming up with each other. "all right, lets see what you knights can do" said Arthur, standing in the middle of the field. "i shall put you three up against my most skilled knights" he said pointing to Gwain, Percival and Leon. "simple enough" chase said, he always was a hot headed man. I think him and Gwain will get along great together.

my knights got into their fighting stances, each of them having their own knight to face.

Ben was facing Percival

Eric was facing Leon

and Chase was facing Gwain.

'this ought to be good' I thought.



The three men of Mieldor started to fight against the three men of Camelot. but the knights of Camelot were no match for those of Mieldor. for the men of Mieldor were trained by Merlin himself.

Percival swung at Ben's left rib cage, but Ben easily blocked the attack with the bottom half of his sword, pushing Percival back, making him stumble. Ben then used his special attack to 'finish' him off. he spun around on one foot, in the squatting position, while the other foot reached out and tripped Percival over onto his back. Ben stopped his spinning, pointing his sword at the fallen knights neck.

Leon threw his first move at Eric's head, which Eric easily duck and ran under to Sir Leon's back and elbowed his spine. Leon fell to his knees, easily getting up right after. Leon turned around, sword at the ready when Eric did his special move. Eric made it look like he was about to swing for Leon's side, but instead moving his sword to his neck and grabbing him in an arm lock from behind. Leon's sword fell to the ground with a soft 'thump'

Gwain threw his first move at Chase's legs, which was a stupid idea, chase gracefully jump over the blown and to Gwain's side, where he elbowed him in the side. Gwain staggered back, making his sword ready. that's when Chase did his special move. Chase hit Gwains back with the end of the handle, making Gwain fall to the ground, Chase pointed the sword at the back of Gwains neck.

all the knights were silent. only the shocked expressions on there faces. "how the hell did you do that?!?" the king asked in amazement. "our king taught us how to fight" Chase said calmly, "well then, he must be an excellent swordsmen" Arthur said, the knights all looked over to where the warlock was sitting, "ya, he is" Ben said looking back at Arthur.

"come, you must be hungry, how about a feast in honour of your skills?" Arthur said, "how about just a few of your knights and us, we don't like having feasts over such small things" Eric said, looking uncomfortable. he was uncomfortable, he didn't like people as much as the others did.
"Alright, a few of my Knights it shall
be" Arthur said. "Merlin, help me out of my armour then help the Knights of Mieldor, and act like a good servant please" Arthur walked over to Merlin and they both started walking to the armoury. the Knights of followed their King. hoping that he may soon be back on the throne, an not at Gaius's chambers.

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