Chapter 2

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"Are you being serious!?!?" Meria laughs, her laugh being contagious making Techie laugh slightly as well. She liked Meria's laugh it was filled with pure joy, her eyes sparkling with delight, unlike the fake laughs and dull eyes her town had. It was a nice change

Meria's eyes are brown matching her long strait hair, she had freckles littering her pale skin. She had a black and purple striped beanie. She didn't wear any jeweller other then the black heart earrings she had. She wore a black shirt that showed her shoulders, the sleeves going a little under her elbow's, with ripped jeans and black ankle boots with fur on the top of the par of boots. She had fishnet gloves as well pulling the whole outfit together with the purple hoodie wrapped around her waist to match the purple on her beanie.

'you don't see many humans around here, she's quite entertaining. I wonder how this is going to turn out' techie smiled to herself. Meria didn't seem to notice.

They continued to talk and laughing (well mainly Meria talking and Techie listening but whatever), getting to know each other and enjoying the presence of their company all the way to the inn.

"wait here while i get you a room" Techie stated. "can i come with in with you?" Meria questioned "you can do what you want, i don't care, i'm not your mom or something. I'm not going to tell what to do and not to do" Techie responded, Meria nodded at the response following the other in not wanting to be alone in an unfamiliar area.


'Techie seems awesome. From the conversations we have had on the way here I think we'll get along splendidly, I can't wait to learn more about her and this land I woke up in' Meria thought while looking around at the inn's design

The inn was like any other inn you'd see while traveling. Clean, spacious, and old. a great to stay a few nights in.

When techie was done talking to the inn keeper she call Meria over and lead her to the room they would be staying in.

The room had a closet near the entrance, a mini kitchen with a mini dinning table with two chairs, two queen beds, a tv on the wall facing the beds and one bathroom with one of those bath tub shower things.

Meria didn't have a change of clothes to sleep in so she just when strait to bed while Techie when to the bathroom to change her close. 'I should get my self the essentials tomorrow morning' Meria thought before falling into a deep sleep, her aching body completely forgotten in the tides of sleep.



"Huh?... Oh its this place again" Meria whispered. She looked around to see black all around and one silhouette that was there every time she had this dream.

The silhouette getting closer and closer every time she had this dream, it seemed like it was trying to communicate with her but never did.

Until today...

"Welcome back Emme" the girl smiled, her mouth not moving while she spoke to her.

"Oh so you talk now, cool, cool" Meria mumbled causing the silhouette to giggle. "Yes, after quite a bit of trial and error with bringing your consciousness to this realm, I'm finally able to communicate with you." She spoke with exhilaration. Meria nodded honestly giving up on questioning things after the waking up in a forest incident.

"Anyways, I must be quick. I don't have a lot of time before you conciseness returns to your body" she spoke with importance, so Meria gave the silhouette her full attention.

"Emme, I'm here to warn you, there are great hardships ahead and to not trust just anyone you meet, for there will be grave consequences from this point onwards. But fear not for there will be people you meet along the way that will help you through those hardships and may even seem like a family to you." The entity warned.

Meria once again nodded before realizing something "when you said from this point one do you mean right this second? Does that mean I can trust Techie?" Meria question

"Well now that for you to decide on you own my dear" laughing. And then the silhouette disappeared with Meria finally being able to rest without disruption both inside and outside her mind.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm inpatient so here is chapter two :D

also oooooo, a weird silhouette in Meria's "dreams" i wonder who that could be 

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