Meria and Techie where sitting in their room in the inn with Arson is the one person room attached to their's. It is around 11pm, well at lest that's what the clock on the wall say. The two of them where currently discussing the route they where going to take, being extra cautions now that Arson was traveling with them.
*sigh* "Arson, what are you doing up? I though we told you to head to bed" Meria asked the young demon who was meant to be fast asleep by now.
"I couldn't sleep! I am too excited to travel around the world! And I want to help" Arson answers the tired adult "and you look like you need the sleep more than me" Arson mentions in a mocking tone.
Meria just sigh's again and lets Arson join while Techie watched the interaction laughing at how they act like a tired single mother and an energetic child. With that Meria and Techie picked the best fit route with Arson watching piping in from time to time at 12 Am and they all headed to bed.
It was the next morning and they just got into the forest after double checking that they had everything, curtsy of Meria being paranoid that they'd forget something important.
While walking Arson turned to Meria and stated "Emme, I forgot to mention this before but like what's up with the thing that's been following you." They asked making techie and Meria pause in there walking causing Arson also to stop.
"What do you mean by that?" Meria asked nervously "I mean its not like I can see them but I can sense there presence, they've been here the whole time just following you, probably have from before I met you as well" Arson answered with a childish grin on their face like this was not a cause for concern.
With this information Techie when straight into action pulling out her axe (which the other two did not notice till now, LIKE HOW CAN SOMEONE HIDE A BATTLE AXE AND MAKE IT SO ITS NOT NOTICEABLE) and yelled "SHOW YOURSELF".
"I don't think that's going to work" Arson commented, Meria didn't say anything still in some sort of shock
"Geez, no need to get all hostile now" a voice said echoing through the foresting making it difficult to tell where its coming from
"I stand corrected" Arson mumbles giggling bit to them self.
"I said SHOW YOURSELF" Techies voice rumbled loudly, making it sound like it's no longer a suggestion. "As you wish" is all they heard before they saw a cloud of orange smoke appear circling up and them dispersing to show a female.
She was tall with medium size orange hair that had one white streak resembling the colour scheme of a fox. She had fox ears and... was that nine tails? They looked fluffy non the less. She was wearing a not so loose kimono that was orange and had a beautiful pattern on it. She had strange markings on her checks like whiskers but panted on her face and another marking being harder to explain but it was a dark orange it kinda reminded Meria of three jewels on her face. she also had stunning yellow glowing eye's, that was all she could see with all the smoke there.
"Hello you three" she smiled, her voice seemed familiar to Meria but she couldn't place where she heard it from. "Why have you been following Meria... And what exactly are you? I haven't seen your species around here before" Techie stated confusion heard in her voice.
"Better question, WHERE THE HELL DID YOU JUST POP OUT FROM?!? Also out of politeness who are you?" The unknown female just laughs before answering there question "I am know as an kitsune (a kitsune is a Japanese fox spirit) and my name is vix, as for where I came from and why I am here. I was here the whole time just not visible, and I'm here because I was assigned as Meria's guardian spirit I'm not sure why so don't question it"
Techie still not fully trusting her but satisfied with the answers lowered her weapon but didn't put it away. Arson was just sitting back and enjoying the display of entertainment steps closer to vix to get a better look at them and started a conversation with her.
'I swear I recognize that voice' Meria thinks before the realization hit her like a brick "WAIT! you're that silhouette that has been in my dreams recently that told me to be careful who I trust!" Arson and vix pause their conversation and Meria notices that the group including herself has continued walking to their next destination with Techie still on slight edge but after joining in the conversation has calmed down enough to put the axe away.
Vix once again smiles calmly and replies "so you've finally noticed, I was wondering how long it would take"

Twisted Reality
Fantasya story where three girls and on non-binary child find each other and become family and go through a series of challenges and meet great and not so great people along the way "not by blood, but by soul"