Chapter Two

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In Ithaca, New York, nights are cold and filled with snow that drops too slow for Cassius's liking. He drapes a coat over his shoulders despite not exactly needing it, making it down to the first floor living room where Amelia, Carlisle, Esme, Alice, and Jasper are already waiting.

"And he makes an appearance." Amelia teases from her seat on the couch.

"I told you I wouldn't forget." Cassius says, going to sit next her and crossing one leg on the other.

"Do Rosalie and Emmett usually take this long to get ready?" Amelia asks, and Esme does a little laugh on her side of the room.

"I'm sure Rosalie is just asking Emmett if her outfit looks good enough to go hunting." Esme says, "Though, it's a peculiar thing to ask considering the clothing might get ruined by the end of the night."

"Very peculiar." Carlisle says, giving Esme a kiss as he passes by her to sit on the couch perpendicular to the one Cassius and Amelia are on.

"Well, since we're here." Amelia says, bringing the living room to a chatter again after a few minutes in silence. "How are you all doing with coming to Ithaca so soon?"

Carlisle speaks first, "I've already been accepted to work at Ithaca's Medical Center."

"I bet they were joyous to see your application." Cassius says with a small smirk.

"I'm sure they were seeing as they accepted it on the day it was delivered." Carlisle says, looking just a bit smug.

"Jasper is going to study Philosophy here." Alice says, making Jasper's head shift from where his gaze had been frozen on the bookshelves behind Amelia and Cassius and over to Alice.

"Really?" Cassius says, glancing at Jasper.

"I could have told them that myself." Jasper says, revealing an accent that Cassius hadn't heard earlier. It sticks to his words like syrup, drawling and almost lazy.

"But would you have told them?" Alice asks, and when Jasper rolls his eyes away from her, she adds. "Exactly."

Cassius questions if they're mates or not. They seem to fit well with each other like Esme and Carlisle, and comfortable like Rosalie and Emmet. It's not presumptuous of him to assume such a claim either seeing as every time a vampire is added to the Cullen clan it is because it's a match up for mates to whoever is single.

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