Chapter Three

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There is nothing better than blood.

Cassius wipes his face clean of it as he remembers the statement being said before. A statement that is more fact than opinion that Eleazar had told him decades ago after a story of the Volturi and how it had been to be a guard for them.

Blood is the only thing to calm the ever twisting storm that rages inside of every vampire. It is like nothing else, dark and thin, but savory all the same it stays on Cassius' tongue even after having his fill so many minutes ago.

He folds the kerchief he keeps on his person inward so as to not be so messy after his meal, placing it back in his pocket as he stands to his true height, satiated. It's not possible to be clean during a hunt, however, and Cassius wishes he was more careful with the splatter of blood and the dripping of it as it had trailed down his wrists and to his long sleeve, spreading and staining his clothes.

In front of him, Jasper is in no better condition. Cassius would dare say the vampire is worse off, blood on his neck and collar and all over the front of his shirt and pants. It is not a sight that Cassius is repulsed by, staring only for a few more seconds to keep the image in his memory. A new muse for a painting seeing as he ran out of unique ideas to bring to a canvas long ago.

"There you are— oh, Cassius."

Alice is light on her feet as she makes through the trees and bushes in her way that lead to Jasper and Cassius, but she does not look as surprised as she sounds when she finds them together.

"Alice." Cassius says, eyes dropping down to Jasper who swipes a hand across his mouth to at least make his face somewhat clean.

Alice smiles at him, teeth reddened, "Did you two have a good hunt?"

Jasper licks at his lips, stepping close to Alice, "Yes, we did."

Cassius watches as Alice brings a hand to Jasper's face, palm curling around his chin, "You're back, Jasper."

He assumes that Alice means his eyes with the way she's staring into them. They're bright and full of different specks of yellow, vibrant even in the dark. Cassius feels as if he is intruding on an intimate moment, but it breaks as Jasper turns his head to look back at Cassius.

"Thank you."

Cassius doesn't understand why Jasper feels such a need to show his gratitude for a deer or two, but he nods at Jasper, saying, "You're welcome."

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