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I establish a country that focuses on education, research, development and diversity. They speak Magan, the magical language I create.

ID cards are also Apparition license, passport and bank card all in one. Also has records of your visas and past crimes that can be viewed if you have the proper tool (basically a pc and you scan it). You can also use public transport with it. Citizens and foreigner visitors will be issued one.

Public transportat consists of multiple portals that lead to different places. An area with multiple portals is aptly called a TelePort. There are three types: Interdistrict, Intercity and International.

Each portal is surrounded by enchanted aluminium glass to keep others out, you can only enter through a glass cubicle that lets one person through at a time.

Security is both golem and people. International TelePorts have by far the most stringent security, and requires a visa. Upon entry to an International TelePort, you will be scanned for diseases and general health.

There's a Council that has one representative from each race. Every five years, the races choose who their representative will be. Also, every five years, a president will be elected.

A president cannot be on the Council, so if a Council member is chosen as president, they will have to step down as a counsil member and a new one will be chosen (for this reason, the Council representative elections will take place a month after the presidential elections).

There's a magic university, or Magiversity for short.

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