My sister.

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* we are starting with Steve's pov*

♡Steve Pov♡
"Hey guys" I said walking over to Dustin and Mike. I didn't usually come over to this table but my sister was finally back in town and I know Mike had been wanting to meet her forever. "Hey, what you doing over here?" Dustin said standing up. Before I could speak the leader of the table spoke first. "You do know only members of hellfire can sit here right Harrington?" He said to me looking up from his dinner. "Not staying, I have news for you two mostly Mike though" I said grinning at him. I know my sister would never ever date Mike because of the age difference but it was adorable he liked her.

"What?" Mike asked me confused furrowing his brows. "In private" I said looking at the other guys on the table. Mike nodded. Dustin and Mike got up from the table and walked a little away from the table with me. "So what's up?" Mike asked me again. "Well, Mike you may finally have your wish granted" I said with a smirk. Mike and Dustin looked at me confused. "My sister, she's coming home" I said grinning at Mike. "I'm with El now but a part of me is excited to meet her" Mike said going red in the face. I chuckled a little even Dustin turned into a stuttering mess.

"But anyways that's all I had to say. She will be starting here next week" I explained to them. "So be nice" I said grinning. They both nodded blushing. "Wait how old is she?" Dustin asked me tilting his head. "I think she's about 17 now" I explained to Dustin. They both nodded and then walked back over to the table. I smirked and walked off. I hadn't seen my sister in years and I couldn't wait to see her.

♡ Dustins Pov ♡
I took a seat back at the table and carried on eating my dinner. We would finally meet Steve's sister. He wouldn't even tell us her name, he had shown us photos of her but apparently she was older now. Steve told us that she was 17 years old and if she wanted to she could tell us her name. I looked over at Eddie who was looking at Mike confused. I then shot a glance at Mike who was blushing very badly.

"What's up with you?" Eddie asked Mike eating a chip. "N-nothing" Mike stuttered out. Although Mike was now dating El it didn't change the fact that Mike had been crushing on Steves sister for 2 years. "Dude, she's 17 years old, You have no chance, you are 15?" I asked Mike snapping him out of his crush for her. Mike glared at me but he knew I was right. Eddie looked at the both of us and stopped eating, just focused on us both.

"Who are you guys talking about?" Eddie asked me clearly interested. "Uh we can't say much because we promised Steve but what we can say is Steve's sister is starting next week and Mike has been crushing on her for 2 years, literally" I explained with a gummy grin. Mike looked over at me glaring. "Harrington has a sister?" Eddie asked me amused. I nodded, Eddie went quiet and carried on eating his dinner.

"Have you met her before?" Eddie asked suddenly looking back up at us. "Nope, Steve has shown us photos of her before and she was about 15 in them" I explained looking at Eddie. "So you don't know what she even looks like" Eddie said amused again. "She was beautiful in them photos so I can imagine she's gorgeous now" Mike blurted out. We all turned and looked at him. "Don't you have a girlfriend?" Eddie asked Mike. "Yeah he does but he's obsessed with Steve's sister" I said earning a slight punch in the arm from Mike. Eddie looked at Mike amused, "Well she won't like us because we are freaks" Eddie said laughing.

♡My pov♡
I yawned as I stood waiting for my brother to pull up outside the airport. It was Sunday morning. After a couple more minutes a car pulled up in front of me. The door opened revealing Steve. "Hey little sis" Steve said opening his arms to me. I smiled and returned his hug. Steve then grabbed my suitcase and popped it into his car boot. "My friend came along so back seat yeah?" Steve asked me smiling. I was about to nod and say it was fine when the door to the passenger side opened.

Out stepped a girl with short blonde hair, I could only assume that "friend" was a secretive girlfriend. "Woah Steve you didn't tell me that your sister is hot" The girl grinned at me. Um. Maybe take back the girlfriend statement. "Robin!" Steve said face palming himself. "I'll take the back seat, miss Harrington here can take the passenger seat" Robin said grinning at me still. "Oh Steve kind of shouted my name at me but I'm still going to introduce myself. I'm Robin and you must be the famous Yasmin" Robin said holding her hand out to me. I shook it with a smile and nodded. I then looked at my brother grinning.

Steve climbed into the car to ignore the mocking of Robin. Robin then opened the passenger seat door for me, "Yasmin" Robin said bowing to me with a laugh. I laughed, she was funny. Robin then shut the door for me and climbed into the back. I put my seatbelt on and Steve started to drive away from the airport. Steve then switched on his radio and should I stay or should I go came on.

I was a little different to my brother, I also loved rock music especially this song. I sang to the lyrics with Steve and Robin. As the song finished Steve began talking to me. "You have already got a job sorted" Steve explained to me. I looked at him confused. Robin flashed me a cheeky smile. "You can work with us at the family video store" Steve explained to me. I smiled and nodded my head, "Thankyou!" I said grinning. Steve smiled at me.

After a bit more driving we had finally arrived in my new home. Hawkins. I heard about Hawkins on the news but Steve told me not to worry about it so I never did. Steve pulled up outside our home and helped me with my suitcase into the house. "I know you like different things so I decorated your bedroom with what you told me" Steve said opening the door to my bedroom. I stepped inside my jaw dropping. *picture above*. I looked over the walls of my room seeing the band posters hanging there. Steve even put fairy lights up across my table, he had also put a stool and a mirror there too. "Oh my goodness, Steve you did this?" I said in awe at my room.

"Robin helped too" Steve said making  Robin grin. "Thankyou both, I love it" I said sitting on my bed and looking around. Steve and Robin stood at the door smiling. I already loved Robin, she didn't have to help yet she did. "Well im going to let you get settled into your room then we can order pizza if you want?" Steve said smiling at me. I nodded with a bright smile. Steve smiled and shut the door leaving me with my amazing room.

Seeing as today was Sunday, I had today to catch up with Steve before school started tomorrow. I hadn't seen Steve since I was 10 years old. We needed to catch up. I looked at the table with the fairylights and noticed a gift there. I must of not noticed it before because of how amazing this bedroom is. I got up off the bed and walked over taking a seat at the table. I picked up the gift and read the tag on it. "Welcome home, I took the liberty with Robins help to get you some makeup and also Nancy one of my other good friends got you some clothes she thinks you might like". I opened the gift and it revealed very expensive makeup. There was eyeliner, nude lipstick, cherry red lipstick, an eyeshadow pallete and some foundation.

I then got up and walked over to my wardrobe and saw all the clothes that this Nancy supposedly bought me with Steve. I looked through the clothes and fell in love with them. They weren't too girly and preppy, I liked band tops, jeans, leggings and shorts and Nancy had got me exactly that. I noticed on one of the shelves another wrapped gift. I grabbed it and saw another tag. "Steve would of never let me buy you these but here, I think you will like these with your shorts". I read the name and it was signed Nancy. I opened the gift and 4 pairs of fishnet tights were in there.

I already was on a mission to tell Nancy thankyou when I could meet her. After putting the stuff away from my suitcase I walked downstairs. Robin and Steve were laughing about something. "Hey thankyou the both of you for the makeup" I said smiling at them both. Steve and Robin both blushed. "So pizza?" Steve asked me. I nodded and sat down on the sofa.

After ordering the pizza Steve and Robin joined me and sat down on the sofa. "So how are you feeling about Hawkins High?" Steve asked me curiously. "Excited" I said confidently. Steve smirked at me, he already knew I didn't have anything to worry about. I was Steve Harringtons sister. No one would fuck with me. "So when pizza gets here do you want to watch a film?" Steve asked us smiling. Robin and I nodded. "Hm what film?" Steve asked us looking through the films on the shelve. "Well what about dirty dancing?" Robin asked Steve. Steve looked at Robin face palming.

Dirty dancing was my favourite film and although despite Steve's protests, we ended up watching it and eating the pizza when it arrived. After the film finished it was time to go to bed. I needed the sleep to be ready for school tomorrow. Steve nodded and said night to me. Robin said goodnight too. It looked like Robin would be staying over. Maybe she is Steves girlfriend. I was so confused about them two but went to bed. I was ready for what Hawkins High was about to throw at me...

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