Vecna again.

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☆My nightmare☆
*clock noise* I opened my eyes and looked around. I didn't see Eddie, wherever I was it was pretty dark and really red. I was sat on the floor so I stood up and looked around again. Wherever I was, I didn't feel safe at all. Wait, how was I here? I was just laying with Eddie cuddled in his arms.

"Yasmin" A voice said. I looked around to where I heard the voice. "It's time...for you to here" The voice said again. No. I ran away from the voice but something wrapped around my leg. I looked down and it was a vine tightly around my leg. I fell to the ground screaming as it dragged me back towards the voice. No! No! I was then lifted into the air back to my feet, "Join me" The voice said again. "No! Let me go please!" I cried out. The voice came into view and it was this creepy creature.

My hairs stood on edge as he came closer to me. "No!" I screamed out. "It's time" He said as he moved his finger to my face. His finger ran down my cheek as he stared into my eyes. "No please let me go!" I screamed at him again. Please No.

♡Eddie's pov♡
I woke up to Yasmin muttering something in her sleep. "Please, please No let me go" She muttered in her sleep. I looked at her and shook her softly. "Yasmin babe, it's just a dream wake up" I said shaking her softly. Nothing, nothing from her. "Yasmin?" I asked her as I shook her a little harder. Again nothing.

I jumped out of bed and switched light on. Her eyes were fluttering and she was shaking. Oh my god! "Max!" I said as I grabbed the walkie talkie Dustin gave me. "Max are you there, its eddie" I said through the walkie talkie. "Yeah, I can't sleep. What's up?" Max asked me confusion in her face. "I can't wake Yasmin up!" I panicked into the walkie talkie. "I'll be right there!" Max said through the walkie talkie. Another voice spoke through the walkie talkie as Max left. "I'll be there too and I'll get everyone" Nancy said panicking. What was they not telling me?

I walked back over to yasmin who was still shaking, her eyes fluttering furiously. What was going on! "Princess please!" I said turning her over. Max would be here soon so I got her dressed into some clothes. She did not wake up once which freaked me out even more. There was a bang on my door. "Eddie there's a young girl at our door?" My uncle shouted to me. "Let her in!" I shouted back. I unlocked my bedroom door and Max entered.

Max took one look at Yasmin and ran towards her. "Favourite song!?" Max asked me. "Material girl?" I said to her sort of like a question. Max looked at me and shook her head but got material girl on her Walkman. She then put the headphones on Yasmin and begged her to listen to her. I watched in horror, please be okay princess!

♡Back to my nightmare♡
The creature looked at me still tracing his finger down my cheek. I shivered at his touch. This is was fucking horrible. "Cause we're living in a material world and I am a material girl" Madonna's voice sang. I looked towards her voice. A portal started opening making the creature get angry. "They won't save you!" The creature shouted at me. "Material!" Madonna sang again.

Finally I felt like I could move away from this creature. I gave it my best shot and ran away from him. The creature said nothing just tilted his head at me like it was a game. I ran as fast I could towards the portal. "Help me!" I screamed as I ran towards the portal dodging everything this creature was throwing at me. I almost reached the portal when something hit me. I fell to the ground and my hands scraped across the floor. I flinched at the pain, it felt really real and really hurt. I wanted to be out of this place so I jumped back up ignoring the blood and pain in my hands, knees and face. I ran towards the portal again and everything went black.

♡My pov♡
My eyes shot open as I screamed. "Oh god it worked!" Max said hugging me. I couldn't hug back. "It's okay, you're safe. You are far away from that monster" Max said comforting me. My eyes stayed glued to Eddie's wall as my chest raised up and down. My eyes moved as I noticed Eddie looking at me. "You scared me to death nearly" Eddie explained holding his chest. His face was pure terror. I have no idea what just happened but I never want that to happen again.

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