Chapter 6

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Steve followed the muffled sound of the guitar that bled through the walls as the hardwood vibrated under his feet. He racked his brain for an excuse. Any reason to go into Eddie's room that would sound plausible enough.

Maybe now that he was learning guitar he could play it off as watching the master at work. Eddie would like that.

He hadn't expected to have grown so fond of learning to play. Once he had gotten past the aching fingertips, etched with red lines from the strings, he had found it fun. Satisfying even, when he finally got through a section without messing up.

He now understood why Eddie always reached for his guitar when stressed. Something about the way it kept your hands busy as you thought, grounded you just enough to not get lost. The music, even as bad as it was when you first started, was enough to drown out the worst of the memories.

Steve went to knock on his door and then stopped, his hand frozen in the air. No longer muffled, he could hear the song Eddie was playing. Even without the lyrics, he knew that melody like he knew his own name.

Holding Out for a Hero by Bonnie Tyler.

Steve's favorite song.

The song was so far away from something Eddie would usually play. The antithesis of metal.

Eddie must know. There was no other explanation.

The door handle squeaked as he opened the door and Eddie looked up, his brown eyes wide.


Eddie stood quickly and lent his guitar up against the messy bed. "Stevie! What are you doing here?"

"How did you know?" he asked, trying to keep his voice from shaking.

His heart hammered in his ears as he waited for a response. Eddie bit at his thumbnail and stepped back and forth. His bright red socks stark against the hardwood.

"Robin told me," he said finally.

Steve had never expected her to tell Eddie the truth, no matter how much he ranted or how obvious he was. Now he had to fix this. Somehow convince Eddie that things could go back to normal and that they could forget all about Steve's crush.

"She did? I'm sorry, I know it's creepy. I shouldn't have lied so that I could watch you play. Me liking you isn't an excuse to be weird, and I know that," he choked out, his chest tight.


"You don't have to learn that to let me down easy or whatever. Make it a joke. We can just go back to normal and-"

"Steve, stop," Eddie said and cradled Steve's jaw with his warm, calloused hands.

Eddie's deep brown eyes met his. "Can I kiss you?"

Steve's breath hitched."Yes. Wait, wha-"

Whatever he was going to say was lost in the soft press of Eddie's lips to his. Eddie was hesitant at first, the kiss chaste and questioning.

He didn't know what the fuck was happening. But whatever it was, he was going to take full advantage.

Steve finally reacted, and kissed back with fervor, licking into Eddie's mouth, still syrupy sweet from breakfast.

After a second of hesitation, he ran his hand up Eddie's throat, into his soft hair and pulled gently at the roots. A strangled sound left Eddie and he did it again, this time harder.

Eddie groaned and nipped his bottom lip in response.

Steve pulled back and searched Eddie's face. Eddie's pupils were blown wide, making his already brown eyes impossibly dark. His pretty lips red and shiny.

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