Chapter 6: Just Like Gravity

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(Kurt POV)

I ran out the door to Blaine's small car.

"Hello," He greeted with his usual cheerful smile.


"Is that the scarf I bought you?" Blaine gestured to the scarf around my neck. It was blue with floral designs; it went perfectly with my purple button-up.

"Yes, yes, it is" I smiled.

"It looks great on you."

"Thank you," I smiled.

"So, are you sure it's okay if I come along?" I asked.

"Of course, it is. Would I have invited you if it wasn't? I've wanted to introduce you to the kids, and I think they'd really like you."

"Well, I hope I don't disappoint." I smiled.

It was a bit of a drive, but we finally pulled up in front of a large building with a sign that read 'Lima Children's Home.' Blaine came around the other side and opened my door.

"Thank you." I stepped out of the car.

"You're welcome. Let me grab my guitar, and then we'll go inside."

We stepped inside the large building and were greeted by a woman who looked about Carole's age. She had the same blonde hair like her.

"Hi, Blaine." She smiled.

"Hey Sharron, it's been a while."

"It has; the kids are excited to see you...oh, who's this?"

"Sharron, this is my friend, Kurt."

"Hi, Kurt. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too" I smiled, Sharron leaned to whisper in Blaine's ear, but I heard every word.

"He's cute."

"Sharron!" Blaine whispered.

"Blaine, don't want to keep your audience waiting."

"Right." Blaine smiled.

"Nice meeting you," I smiled, walking to Blaine.

"Oh, everyone should be in the activities room; I'll be there a bit."

"Okay." We walked away

"Thank you," Blaine whispered.

"You're welcome."

We walked to a door with a Rainbow painted on it, and Blaine pulled it open.

"Hi, guys!" He smiled

"Blaine!" They all exclaimed; there were boys and girls of different ages, the youngest looked like she was seven, and the oldest looked like he was twelve, maybe thirteen. They all ran up and hugged him. I stepped back.

"Blaine, where have you been? We missed you!" One of the girls said

"I've missed you guys too."

"Blaine, I drew this picture for you. It's a rainbow!"

"Awe, thank you, Tommy."

I couldn't stop watching as the kids crowded around him, asking for hugs, and showing him the pictures, they drew. They really loved him.

"Blaine, who is this?" One of the younger girls gestured to me.

"Oh well, I was going to introduce you, but you guys didn't give me a chance." Blaine laughed.

"Is he your boyfriend?" Another girl asked; my cheeks immediately turned red.

"Oh, no, Hannah, he's not my boyfriend. This is my friend Kurt."

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