Chapter 38: What The World Needs Now

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(Kurt POV)

The cops arrested Karofsky and everyone else who was with him, and Sebastian was expelled from Dalton because of Quinn's accident.

Blaine was released from the hospital about a week after the incident; the doctor said it may take time before he's fully recovered, so he's been put on bed rest.

I walked up the stairs into Blaine's room carrying a tray in my hands.

"Here you go. Handmade chicken noodle soup with a refreshing glass of flavored water."

"It's been almost a month, Kurt. You don't have to keep doing this."

"Yes, I do. You were through something traumatic, and as your boyfriend, it is my job to take care of you."

"Your dad warned me that you would do this." He laughed; I grabbed a towel and placed it under his chin.

"So, Nationals is coming up, right?"


"In New York...are you excited?"

"Yes, but also nervous. I've never flown in a plane before, and what if something happens and you need me-"

"Hey hey look at me. I am fine, okay. You don't have to be my nursemaid."

"I know; I guess I get too excited. You are looking better, though, I see more progress every day."

"Hey." Blaine smiled and took his hand in mine. "I love you, you know that, right?"

"Of course, I know, always." I smiled and kissed his forehead and rested my hand on his face. "I love you too."

My phone began ringing in my pocket; it was Finn.


"Hey dude, can you come to the auditorium?"

"The auditorium?"

"Yeah, and bring Blaine with you."


"Why are you repeating everything I'm saying. Just get here, okay." He hung up.


"What was that about?"

"Finn just called and told me to come to the auditorium."

"Then go."

"I'm supposed to bring you. But-"

"Kurt, I am dying to get out of this room. Let's go!"

"Okay then..."

We walked into the auditorium, and everyone was sitting on stools.

"What's going on?"

"Please have a seat," Rachel said, and I got a horrible feeling of deja vu. Blaine and I sat down, and Mr. Shue came up on stage with them.

"Kurt, Blaine...we would like to first say...we owe you an apology." Mr. Schue said.

"We were all kind of jerks to you guys," Finn said.

"After Quinn's accident, we all kinda assumed that The Warblers were the spawn of Satan." Puck said.

"But we were wrong," Quinn said.

"And for that, we're sorry." Rachel said.

"I was kind of a crappy brother...."

"I wasn't a true friend...." Mercedes said

"I hurt my unicorn...."

"We-we have this thing in Glee Club where we give a pair a name. Rachel and I are Finchel, Sam and Mercedes are Samcedes, Puck and Quinn are Pinn, Brittany and Santana are Brittana. Kurt and I even have our own nickname as brothers. We're Furt." Finn said, and I smiled. "And now, a new pairing has been made...Klaine." Finn smiled

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