Chapter 35: Don't Let Go

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(Third Person POV)

Blaine had no idea what was going on, one minute he was with Kurt and the next minute he was walking in what looked like a field of trees.

"Hello?" He called.

"Blaine?" He heard an angelic voice.

"Kurt!" He ran to him.

"Kurt what's, what's going on?"

"You don't remember?"

"Uh, remember what?"


He closed my eyes in deep thought, then it hit me.

"You really think I'm scared of a tiny threat?!" Karofsky exclaimed before punching Kurt in the face. Blaine's breathing got heavy. He didn't know if it was anger or fear, maybe both.

"I told you and your little boyfriend not to mess with me!" Another punch to the face.

"Stop it!" He exclaimed

"Oh, okay," Karofsky smirked evilly before punching Kurt in the gut. Blaine could feel my eyes begin to water.

"Leave him alone!" Blaine cried.

"You think you can pull a threat like that and live to see tomorrow?"

"I lived five months, and I've still seen tomorrow, Karofsky" Kurt rolled his eyes, and Karofsky punched Kurt in the gut causing him to drop to his knees.

"Stop it!" Blaine begged.

"How can you go through with your threat-" Karofsky reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun! Blaine's heart dropped to the very pit of his stomach.

"If you're dead...."

"Please, you don't have to do this, please!" He begged.

"Go on, Hummel...beg like your bitch boyfriend over there. Maybe I'll let you live."

"Don't ever talk about him like that! I'm not begging! Sure as hell not to you! Not this time..." Kurt said. Blaine's heart dropped further.

"Have it your way." He heard the click of the gun chamber, and Kurt turned to him.

"Tell my dad I love him...." Tears fell down his face. "I love you so much...."

"Kurt, no!" Blaine exclaimed.

Blaine couldn't let this happen! He headbutted the guy who had him, and he let go of him immediately. He ran to where Kurt was and pushed him out of the way.

Blaine suddenly felt an indescribable pain in his chest and dropped to the ground.

"Oh my god...." Blaine shuddered.

"I-I was shot?"

"You saved my life."

"Kurt I dead?"

"I don't know...are you?"

"I-I don't know, I mean-"

"'re not dead, yet. You're still fighting."

" I can keep living?"

"If that's your choice."

"Kurt...I'm not ready to die yet. There's still so much that I want to do; I want to finish school. Spend more time with my family, See you preform at Nationals; and have a future with you."

Kurt smiled at Blaine and rested a hand on his face.

"I'm not ready to leave you..." He sniffed.

"Then don't let go..." Kurt smiled.

Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine and held him tight.

"I love you so much." Blaine said, a tear falling down his cheek.

"I love you too." Kurt released the hug and looked Blaine in the eyes.

"I'll see you when you wake up."

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